help yourself heal

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the most powerful love
in this universe
is self-love
the act of truly loving oneself
it mends the broken
and heals the sick
it gives each
and every one of us
the confidence
to stay true to ourselves
its helps us grow
and learn to love others
and it is a crucial part
of TRULY living
so why
is it so hard
all people want to do
is tear you down
they want
to get under your skin
they want
to see you
give up on yourself
but do not let them
break your spirit
do not let them
crush your dreams
do not let them
fill your mind
with negativity about yourself
because you are worth it
you are enough
and you are not
a waste of space
as long as you believe that
you are invincible
self love
is the greatest gift
and the greatest super power
it destroys self doubt
and uncertainty
and it is the only true cure
for depression

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