Oh Look, A Portal That Is Shooting Demons Out of it's Butt. FUN!

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(Alright, alright Aeolus. You have had the microphone for long enough. I don't care that I got to do three chapters and you only got one. Suck it up.) Sorry about that, Aeolus is being a big baby. (Yes you are) Anyways, let's get back to the story. When I woke up the next morning, I felt nice and rested, calm, which was insane because I had died the day before. I still thought that I hadn't really died, that Aeolus was just overreacting. But the last thing I remember before I woke up with Aeolus crying and squeezing me to death was passing out, but I hadn't dreamed, it was just black. And it was only for a few seconds, the way Aeolus said it, it sounded like a few minutes. And when he told me he did CPR, I freaked out. (Yes I know I did, Aeolus, go away. Leave me alone.) Thank god, he left, he is so annoying. Let's get back to the story. Anyways I freaked out because, well you know. Mouth to mouth. After I fell asleep that night, I didn't dream. Like when I supposedly died. Anyways, the next morning I woke up and dug through my snacks, pulling out some candy bars. Don't judge, I had just died, I deserved it. Aeolus was passed out in his tent, of course. He says I snore. Ha, he talks in his sleep and snores. After having a nutritious breakfast of chocolate, I decided to go explore the forest. I burnt a message in the ground telling Aeolus, and set off. There was no telling how long he would be asleep. He could sleep through a tornado. I decided to try to find more overgrown paths. I had brought my machete, because I figured that if I tried to burn off the growth, it might burn down the forest. Granted I could put it out with my water magic, but whatever. I had a strong urge to go further and deeper into the forest, the path got narrower and less beaten. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure the song The road less traveled on was stuck in my head. But as the path became overgrown, I was more sure I wanted to go this way, I began hacking away at briars and ivy that had overtaken the path. I saw a light up ahead, another clearing? The trees above blocked out almost all the sunlight, so the light had to have been coming from a break in the trees ahead. When I finally reached the clearing, the branches had grown to cover the sunlight again, the light was coming from a portal in the middle of the field. It glowed with light. I was drawn to it, I couldn't control myself, I walked toward it, as if to go through, until a fiery arm burst out of the portal, followed by the head of a demon. My fear took over, My form turned shadowy, I took off running back toward camp, passing right through trees, thorns, and other obstacles. Once I arrived at the clearing, my form returned to normal, and I dashed into Aeolus' tent, Shaking him.

"Dude, wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP YOU IDIOT THERE IS A DEMON COMING!." At the word demon, he sat bolt upright.

"Demon? Where?" He jumped up, luckily he had pants on, even though he wasn't wearing a shirt. I hadn't realised he had been going to the gym. But he was in good shape. I shook those thoughts out of my mind. We had a demon to fight. (Oh wonderful. Welcome back Aeolus, just in time for the fight scene.) Anyways, we prepared for battle, knowing it wouldn't be long before the demon got to us. I grabbed the magical weapons from my bag and stood ready. Aeolus used his magic to lift two large rocks. And then used his air magic to pick up some fuel we used for the torches, pouring some onto both of the rocks.

"A little help?" I pointed my finger at one of the rocks and it burst into flames, I did the same to the other stone, and Aeolus was wielding dual flamestones. I heard a roar, and I knew the Demon was close. After this, we would need to destroy that portal. The demon dashed up the path. Immediately, I summoned my water magic and soaked the creature. It screamed in rage. Realising they wouldn't do anything I doused Aeolus' flamestones in water.

"HEY! What-" he yelled, I was too focused on attacking to hear the rest of his words, if there even were any. I ran forward, The weapons in my hand, which had just looked like simple sticks a moment before, morphed into dual wielding katanas. As I ran past, I sliced the demon's side with one, spinning at the last moment and driving the other into the demon's back. It howled in rage. Still confused, and a bit dazed, Aeolus' eyes were foggy and unfocused, he stood there, not moving. I paused, worried. Those two seconds were all the demon needed to turn the tide. He spun, grabbing me and flinging me across the clearing. I hit a tree, and fell to the ground, groaning. I looked around, Aeolus was still frozen. I called his name, nothing. The demon spun to face him. I forced myself to get up, I would not let that monster hurt my best friend, Aeolus had saved me when I was hurt. I didn't know what was happening to him now. But I was determined to protect him. I cried out as I stood, pain rippling through my side. I ignored it, right now, I needed to stop that demon. I concentrated on standing up straight, I couldn't move but so much, I would need a long range weapon, something quiet. No guns. The Katana by my side morphed into a throwing dagger. Meh, good enough, I focused my aim, and threw the knife right towards the demon's core. The dagger found its mark, and embedded itself deep inside the monster, it screamed, and then crumbled into dust.

I rushed to Aeolus, he was still frozen, a vacant look in his eyes. I was tempted to slap him, just in case he was faking it. (What? I didn't know. Yeah okay whatever, let me finish telling the story you doofus.) Anyways, no matter how much of a jerk he could be, I knew he wouldn't abandon me during a fight. He still hadn't moved. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. The magic first aid kit maybe? I had never seen or heard of anything like this before, and I didn't trust the elders, so I wouldn't call them, no matter how bad things got, I would never ask for their help. I suddenly got an idea. I summoned my shadow magic and rose off the ground, searching for the clearing where I had found the portal. When I saw it, I flew over, landing on the ground next to it. I summoned a large burst of shadow energy and blasted the portal. It shrank, but it didn't go away. I would need Aeolus' help. I found my way back to the campsite. Aeolus was still frozen, his eyes were a little more focused now. And there was desperation there now, mixed with anger.

"I'm sorry." I said, not knowing if he could hear me "I'm sorry." I sat on the ground in front of him and buried my face in my hands. "Everything has just gone wrong since we came out here. There is a portal in the middle of the reserve spitting demons out of it's butt, we got attacked, I died, and now you're frozen and there is nothing I can do about it. I need to destroy this portal, but I can't do it alone, I need your help." Then I sat there, my head resting on my knees, crying for a few minutes. Then, I heard my name.

"Serena-" I jumped up. And almost hugged him. Almost. (Don't get any ideas you idiot.)

"Holy crap, you scared me, what happened? Why were you frozen? What is wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"I will be once you stop asking so many questions." I punched him.
"Stop joking around, you jerk. I was terrified that you were going to be stuck like that."

"But I'm not. Okay, you said there was a demon farting portal in the woods?"

"Yeah, but I'm not leaving here until you tell me what happened."

"I don't know. But look, we need to close that portal before any more demons get out. And I think I know how to do it.

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