Another Dangerous Situation. I Really Need To Stop Getting Myself Into Those.

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I opened the portal and we all walked through. (Aeolus, you can have the microphone at any point I don't remember, until then, you can be patient.) Okay, so as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, we went through the portal, and when we emerged on the other side, we were looking at the side of the Sydney Opera House.

"Wow." River said, back at their house, she'd had pictures of famous places from all over the world, the Opera House had been one of them. She had always been a big fan of history and geography.

"Yeah." I agreed, but I was scanning our surroundings, looking for the twins from my vision.

"Who are we looking for?" Nessa asked, she had been pretty quiet ever since we had left Ireland, so when she spoke, I jumped a little.

"Two guys, identical twins, one of them might have a football." the water at our backs sloshed against the rock of the path we stood on. It was about seven feet wide, and there weren't many people, including the twins. Across the water, I saw what looked like a park. There was a parking lot behind us.

"I don't see anyone, are you sure we are in the right place?" Elena asked

"Listen E, Serena knows what she is doing." Aeolus said. Elena nodded, but seemed unsure.

"Anything else you can tell us about them?" Pax asked, looking toward the Opera house. There were more people there, but I still didn't see them.

"Their names are Dylan and Reggie, they are a little taller than River, but a little shorter than E. They have brown hair, Reggie has brown eyes, and Dylan has blue eyes."

"Do you know which one is which?" asked Cruz, looking at the crowd in front of the Opera House too.

"No." The water sloshed again behind us, and I felt something small, like a pebble hit the back of my head. I looked at Aeolus, but he was still watching the crowd, same with Pax,Cruz and Khonsu. I shrugged, thinking it might have been a bug. Until something else hit the back of my head. This time, I turned around, and saw- nothing, there was nobody and nothing there. I looked back toward the crowd.

"We should split up and search the area." I said

"Nessa, Pax, and Cruz will come with me, we will look in front of the Opera house. Aeolus, take Khonsu, E, and River and search that park over there." I pointed across the water. Aeolus nodded.

"Alright, meet back here in-"

"Half an hour?"

"Sure. If you find them, send me a message." I nodded

"If you find them, come back here." We split up, and Aeolus' group walked through the parking lot towards the trees.

"So, do we split up and search the area?" Cruz asked. The water splashed behind us, and one of the twins from my vision emerged from the water.

"No need." he shook his head like a dog drying itself off, and water flew everywhere. I could hear a bit of Australian in his voice, but his accent was mostly American. "Arvo, I'm Dylan." he held up his hand, as if holding something up, and there was suddenly a ball of fire hovering over his palm. "Now, what do you want with me and my brother? How did you know our names and what we looked like?" I raised my hands slowly, like someone had a gun pointed at me.

"Dylan, please, just listen. We are here to ask you to join our army."

"What army?" I hated using this, but it seemed to be the only way people listened to us.

"We are the reincarnations of the guardians, it is time to fulfill the prophecy, we need you and your brother's help." The ball of fire dimmed, then went out, and he relaxed. Showing me his mark, a dark flame, like Nessa's. I showed him mine, Nessa, Cruz, and Pax did the same.

"And the others you sent to the park?"

"Our friends, the other guardian, an elemental from Egypt, an elemental from Argentina, and one from New York." I quickly sent Aeolus' mind a message and enough of my magic to open a portal. "Dylan, where is your brother?" Another splash, and a mirror image of Dylan stood on the path in front of us.

"Reggie?" he nodded, and a portal, like mine, but with green and silver intermixed in the darkness instead of blue and orange appeared. Aeolus, Khonsu, Elena, and River came out, Dylan and Reggie went into defense mode, Dylan welding Fire magic, and Reggie with Water magic. "Woah guys, it's alright, they are friends." hesitantly, they relaxed. Dylan looked at Reggie, and they seemed to have a silent conversation, though I couldn't tell if it was because of shadow magic, or twin telepathy.

"So, y'all are the guardians?" Dylan asked, like Reggie, he had a bit of an Australian accent, but it was mostly American. I nodded,

"Aeolus and I are, these are our friends, allies, a part of the army we are building. It is time to fulfill the prophecy, and we need your help." he nodded

"Alright, but what about our parents, they aren't elementals, and we are self trained. We are good with our regular magic, but not so much with the light and shadow magic, We have never used them. We were told those types of magic were too dangerous, but you have already used it so I figure you guys can help with that?"

"Yes. We will explain that later, for now what do you want to do about your parents?" They shrugged

"Can we just leave?"

"And then have the police looking for you? No thanks." Nessa said. Dylan scowled at her

"So what are you suggesting?"

"So for almost everyone else, I erased their parents' memories, but for Cruz, I- edited their memories." I said, Dylan and Reggie looked at each other and nodded

"You can erase their memories."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." they said in unison

"You know, you can do it too." I said to Reggie

"I don't know how."

"I can walk you through it, think of it as your first lesson." He looked at Dylan, who nodded encouragingly.


"So, let's start with your mom." he nodded "Search for her with your mind, expand your senses." he closed his eyes tighter, and when he relaxed a little, I asked "Did you find her?" He nodded "Okay, search through her memories, find ones with you and your brother, and the erase them, like with an eraser, or like deleting a file on a computer, whatever works best for you." he nodded, and I could see his eyes moving under his eyelids as he worked through his mom's mind. About five minutes later, he opened his eyes, he said

"Okay, should I do our dad now?" I nodded

"The same thing you did with your mom."

"Okay." Another five minutes, and he was done. "Wow, that's-"

"A lot, I know."

"Yeah." I was suddenly struck with another vision. Back in New York, The clearing where Aeolus and I had trained River, there was nobody there, but I got the feeling, this was where we needed to train everyone. The vision ended, and I was back at the Opera House. Dylan had his arm across Reggie's shoulders, and both were giving me confused looks. Aeolus already knew what had happened and asked

"Where to?"


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