We Aren't The Only Ones

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Hey guys, it's Aeolus. When Serena came out of the tent, and put that blankness in my mind... it was- I don't even know how to describe it, like I wasn't in control of my mind or body. It was intense to say the least. I didn't even know Serena had put me in Stasis until I woke up on the ground. You know the rest. So let's fast forward to River's first training session. We stood in the center of the clearing, and I was demonstrating some of the stuff I can do with my air magic. It had been a few weeks since she had come out of stasis, and she had been begging for us to start her lessons. Eventually, I had gotten tired of hearing her beg and agreed to start her training. We stood across from each other in the clearing, I had taken to showing her what I could do with air magic. Now please understand this, River is seven, seeing all of this magic stuff up close and personal was a dream come true in the first place. And then you add the fact that she can do magic too, I was surprised she hadn't exploded with joy yet, she was practically vibrating.

"Can we start now please?" I laughed, she could barely stand still she was so excited.

"Okay, okay, but you need to calm down." she nodded and tried to stand still, partially successfully. "Feel the air around you, concentrate on it." River closed her eyes, and I could tell she was concentrating "good, now try to manipulate it, make it do what you want it to." The wind picked up and River began to lift off the ground her eyes flew open

"I DID IT!" she fell back to the earth and landed on her butt. "OW!" She hadn't fallen far, so I laughed

"You have to keep your concentration." she didn't look happy, but she stood up, and tried again. This time, she floated up about ten feet without falling. "Great job! Now try to come back down." She nodded, but didn't open her eyes. She started lowering back down, but it was jerky. A minute or two later, she was back safely on the ground, and she opened her eyes and a huge grin spread across her face.

"I DID IT! And I didn't fall!" I thought her face would split open, her smile was so big, I thought her face would split in half.

"Yeah, great job! But we should take a break, doing magic for the first time can really tire you out."

"I don't want to take a break! I'm fine, can we please keep going?"

"Five minutes, and then we keep going." She sighed impatiently

"Fine." She sat down, right there in the grass where she had landed. And started to fan herself with her hand. "Ugh, it's so hot outside. I kind of want to go swimming." Water seemed to come out of nowhere and drenched her. "SERENA!" she yelled. Serena came out of her tent and jogged over.

"Yeah?" then she saw River "Dude, what happened to you?"

"What do you mean? You obviously did it." Serena held her hands up

"No, River, I promise I didn't do that."

"You are the only one here with Water magic!" Serena turned to look at me, her eyes wide, in surprise, and in question. I knew what she was asking, she wanted to know if she could go into River's mind and investigate her magic. I gave her a slight nod, and then, I saw River shiver. Oh geez that was bad. Sorry about that. Then, there was the familiar feeling of Serena entering my mind. I guessed she wanted to show me what she found. There was an orb of magic in my sister's mind, mostly silver, but there was blue interlaced. What does that mean? I thought, and Serena answered, She has water magic too. I tried not to gasp, and mostly succeeded. Serena left my mind and I looked from her to River. Serena gave a slight shrug, but River just looked annoyed.

"Serena, how many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my mind?" River asked, an accusing glare in her eyes.

"Sorry River, but I do have some news for you." River perked up a little at that

"What is it?"

"You also have water magic!"

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