The Voice of Wind and Sand

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When we emerged from the portal, I saw the young man from my vision watching us.

"I've been waiting for you."

"Yeah, because that's totally not creepy." Aeolus muttered. Khonsu glared at him

"The winds whispered my name to the sand. I know you need my help. I am Khonsu, descended from the great Pharaoh Khufu. How can I help?"

"Are you really descended from Khufu?" Elena asked, her eyes full of awe



"This is his pyramid, I sometimes spend time here to seek wisdom from him. I hear his voice in the wind and sand."

"That's amazing."

"Smaller than I thought they would be." Aeolus said under his breath and I elbowed him in the ribs,

"It really is fascinating. But you said you knew we needed your help. Do you know what we need your help with?" I cut in


"We are building an army to take down the imposters."

"I will help you." he showed us his mark, a dark mountain with what seemed to be hieroglyphs surrounding it. I showed him mine, and the others did likewise "an impressive group of people you have here."

"I agree, but we both know, it won't be enough." Khonsu held out his hand, and an ankh, the egyptian looped cross, the symbol for life, glowed green above his hand. He aimed it at an old, dead tree, and leaves instantly appeared on the branches, and the trunk seemed to strengthen.

"Wow, I have never seen magic like that."

"My ancestry allows me to use egyptian magic, and elemental magic."

"Impressive, but still-" another vision flooded my mind. In Australia, the outback, two boys, probably twins and a few years younger than me with brown hair and brown eyes were throwing a football on a narrow walkway in front of the Opera House. Dylan, Reggie. They both looked up as the one on the right threw the ball, and it landed in the water. The one on the left looked at the water, and in a flurry of motion the ball was in his hands, the leather dripping wet. The vision ended, and Khonsu was looking at me with a confused expression. Before a portal of light opened in front of us, and a demon emerged from it. Everyone went into battle mode, while Aeolus and I shared a nod. I began forming a ball of shadow magic, while Aeolus did the same with his light magic. We joined them together and flung it at the portal. It imploded, the sky flashing from day to night three times, before settling into mid afternoon. With the portal gone, we could focus on battling the demon. This one, unlike the ones in California, was fiery. So River, Cruz and I all used our water magic to soak the demon. It roared with rage, and charged, I grabbed my magic swords out of my bag, and they grew from sticks to katanas within seconds. I started to run towards the demon, and it continued to rush to me, it began to grow fiery again, when green hieroglyphs burned bright on its chest. I looked at Khonsu, surprised, the demon grew near, and I prepared to strike, but it completely missed me, and kept going. It spun around and tried again, but it kept missing me, again and again. It slowed down, and growled in anger. A ball of pure light struck it, and it screamed, before turning to ash.

"What was that?" I asked Khonsu

"An Egyptian hieroglyph spell. Sa-per, it means miss."

"Wow." Elena said. I guessed she had read a lot about Egypt, because she was geeking out.

"Serena, where are we going next?" Aeolus asked


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