Of Course Your Dog is Magic. This is Texas.

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"Texas?" Aeolus repeated


"How do you know?"

"I had a vision."

"Okay then, We are going to Texas."

"By the way, do you know anything about more prophecies?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"Is one of them something like, when night invades day, guardians and army lead the way, taking down the imposters, and claiming their rightful place. But the fight is not over, not by half, more to protect, more to lose, but rest assured, the guardians will lead us through?"

"Yeah, where did you learn that?"

"I don't know, it's been stuck in my head." he nodded thoughtfully.

"I have been trying to figure out what that first part means." I had always been big into space and astronomy

"Dumb dumb, it's the solar eclipse in two months."

"Oh, when night invades day, smart." My hair had grown insanely long over the past few months, and I had taken to putting it into a single thin, long braid down my back, which at this point reached all the way down to my waist, I flicked it and said,

"I know, now finish packing, we are going to have to leave soon." he nodded, and went back to taking down his tent and putting it in his infinite bag. A few minutes later, everyone was ready. I opened a portal to the farm I had seen in my vision, and we walked through. We came out the other side to a wide open field, I could barely see the fences on the other side of the pasture. Half a dozen horses grazed all over the pasture, but the one closest to us was a large Clydesdale that must have been the one I saw in my vision. He looked at me with wise, intelligent eyes. And then went back to grazing in the field. The sound of barking came from a barn a few feet away, and the Australian shepherd from my vision came bounding out, and he tackled Aeolus, barking. Pax, the kid from my vision came running out of the barn, wielding, like a true farmer, a pitchfork.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" He asked, his deep voice resounding throughout the pasture, making the horses look up from their grazing.

"You can put down the pitchfork, your magic would work better." I told him, and he gave me a confused look. I rolled my eyes and moved my shirt collar just enough that he could see my birthmark. Reluctantly, he lowered the pitchfork, and moved his shirt so I could see his birthmark. It looked like a volcano. "Earth and fire magic?" I guessed. He nodded,

"You have water and fire magic. What about him, and her?" he asked, gesturing to River and Aeolus. I noticed that he had a southern twang and a drawl

"Actually, I have water, fire, and shadow. He has air, earth, and light. And she has air and water. Pax, we need your help.

"How do you know my- It was you." Confused, I cocked my head to the side slightly

"What do you mean?"

"I heard your voice say my name, earlier today."

"You heard that?"

"Thought I was losin' my mind."

"I saw you look up from brushing that horse," I said, gesturing to the large Clydesdale that had moved closer to Pax, and now grazed next to him, being sure to avoid the pitchfork. "But I didn't think you could hear me."

"And I didn't know that you could see me." he lifted his hand and stroked the large horse, who stomped and snorted.

"I didn't know what was happening until it was too late. Sorry."

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