Camping, With a side of Magic

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I woke up an hour before sunrise. Got dressed quickly and wrote a note for my parents.

"Going Camping in the woods, be home by next weekend. Love, Serena. P.S I brought bug spray, water, and plenty of snacks, don't worry!"

I packed a bookbag, hopped on my bike and headed out. As the sun came up, my phone rang. It was Aeolus. I answered it and put it on speakerphone.

"Did you already leave?"

"Yes." I heard him muttering about what a bad idea this was and then he said

"I will meet you near the pond in Highland Park, you are going to Forest Park, right?" We had always had that twin telepathy thing, sometimes it was really annoying. So I changed my destination.

"Nope, I'm going to the south mountain reservation."

"That's across the water!"

"It's also the closest we are going to get to the middle of nowhere in New York."

"Ugh, fine I will meet you at the Central Park Zoo."

"See you there." He hung up and I turned around. The Zoo was a long way away, so I jumped on the subway with my bike and went to Fifth Avenue station. Once I got there, I went to the entrance of the zoo. I loved animals, so I snuck inside. When Aeolus texted, asking where I was, I walked to the entrance to meet him.

"You ready?" I asked once I made my way over to him.

"No, but I can't let you do anything to stupid on your own. You could get hurt or worse and nobody would know." I cocked my head to the side and gave him an inquisitive look.

"You were a little curious too." it wasn't a question. Like I said, twin telepathy, sometimes annoying, but sometimes useful.

"Nope. I just don't want you to get hurt." He could deny it all he wanted, I could see the sparkle of curiosity in his eye.

"Wanna ride our bikes the rest of the way or do you want to take the subway?"

"Subway, if we ride the rest of the way, we'll never make it before dark."

"How'd you know I wanted to camp out there?"

"You love the woods."

"Fine let's go." We hopped back on the subway. We rode it to South Orange station, and rode our bikes the rest of the way. Being rebellious teenagers we snuck in the back instead of paying admission. (Fine Aeolus I'll tell them.) Sorry he decided to walk in while I'm recording. Aeolus wanted to go in through the front gate and pay admission. He likes to keep a record of a well behaved kid. Whatever, I don't care, he keeps his magic hidden, I like to flaunt it. It tends to help people forget. Once we found a path that looked like it hadn't been used in years. I pulled out my machete and cleared the briars that had taken over the path. The path eventually gave way to a large clearing. There was only one way in, and one way out. The trees left one circle of light, right in the center. The light streaming then was orange from the sunset. We set up camp, our tents across from each other. Of course, like any good elemental, I had an enchanted bag that could never be filled. Aeolus had brought his too. In mine, I had brought an emergency regular first aid kit, and of course, a magical one, some torches, my tent, changes of clothes, bug spray, water, sunscreen, lanterns, flashlights, and a few magical defense weapons. I placed the torches around the perimeter of the clearing, and enchanted the fire to keep out any demonic nasties that might try to kill us in our sleep. I put my sleeping bag and pillow inside my tent, said goodnight, and went to sleep.

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