The Final Battle

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The walk to the pyramid wasn't long, maybe two minutes, it was the walk up the pyramid that took forever. Worse, it was silent. Nobody made a sound. I couldn't tell if it was out of anger or shock, after all I had undone all of the memory wipes, all of the mind control, everything. It took about ten minutes to get to the top of the pyramid. I walked nine or ten steps in front of the rest of the group, with Aeolus taking the rear. The pyramid looked a lot different than what you see in the pictures. There were intricate carvings on every block of all kinds of beasts, some that looked like the demons we had fought just minutes ago. When we reached the top, I looked into the openings in the top stone into a large room, where I saw the elders, ten of them, with their backs turned to us, overlooking the forest beyond the ruins. One look at them and I grew furious, they had kept the most powerful of the elementals from their best defense against demons for years, kept me from my magic since I had discovered it at age five, the age when all elemental magic is activated.

"Now Serena, What have we told you about light and shadow magic? You are meddling with dangerous forces." said the oldest of the elders, an older woman, whose name I didn't know, I'm not sure if anyone knew her name.

"DON'T!" I roared, and let it be known that the yell was dual purpose. Let me explain, I knew- No, I could sense that my friends had arrived, and knowing them, they wanted to rush in and help. I needed to do this on my own. Luckily, they were confused enough that they stayed where they were. "You have been lying to elementals like me for hundreds of years. Don't act like you are actually one of us. We know what you are, and what you are doing. We are here to put an end to that." the lead elder turned around, her expression hard. This time when she spoke, it came out a deep growl more like the roars you hear from demons. "Well if you are going to be like that-" She lunged, and as she did her form changed as the eclipse became total. She grew larger, her skin replaced with rock and lava, her brown eyes became pits of fire. I Raised my Katanas as the other elders turned and lunged at me. Ten normal demons I could do, ten elder demons? Not so much. I tried for a stasis but I needed a break to concentrate and I was pretty sure they weren't going to give me a break. As I fought off an earth elder demon, it was fighting so mercilessly that I had to turn all my focus to fighting it off. I heard someone behind me call,

"SERENA!" but I couldn't turn to see what was wrong. Suddenly there was a lud crash, and a bright light behind me like rock hitting metal. I used the distraction to drive my sword into the demon's heart and turned around. Aeolus was holding Dylan's sword in one hand and his shield in the other, holding off five demons, including the leader. I grew a little annoyed at that, this was my fight, granted, I was grateful for the help, and I was worried about him too, I had fought the leader for about five minutes, now Aeolus was fighting her plus some. It gave me the break I needed. I concentrated on putting the biggest threats in stasis, now I'm sure you are wondering why I didn't just put them all in stasis, well I know this will sound stupid, (Oh shut up Aeolus.) But putting them all in stasis felt like cheating. I'm not a cheater. I know I probably shouldn't care, they were trying to kill me, but I still wanted a fair fight. All but four demons fell to the ground. Including Aeolus and the rest of our friends! Before I could wake them up, all four demons lunged at me. I drove one Katana through an earth demon's head, and the other through a fire demon's gut. I attempted to slice a water demon in half, but it melted and then reformed. I'd only fought earth and fire demons earlier, and I had only defeated water demons once, using the blankness. And I had no interest in using it again. I needed Aeolus' help, not Rexton's. Aeolus'. And just like that, he sat up, groaning,before he fell down from the weight of his armor. He lay there for a moment, and I was afraid he had passed out, until he did that crazy action movie move where they are laying on their back and then they jump up, ready to fight. I gotta say, Aeolus pulled that off pretty perfectly. And I could tell, just by the way he looked at me, that it really was Aeolus, there was no trace of Rexton in the way he looked at me. Aeolus was back, I almost smiled, until I remembered that I was- you know, trying not to die. Aeolus grabbed his shield and Dylan's sword, and he ran, as well as he possibly could with the armor on, over to me and started attacking right off the bat. He stabbed with the sword and slammed the demons in the face with his shield, which still shone brightly. We fought earth demons, fire demons, but we could only defend against the water demon, no matter how many times we stabbed it, or tried to smash its face, nothing worked. We defeated the other demons and the others woke up. Aeolus and I stood back to back as the demons surrounded us again. As our allies woke up, they rushed over to help, Dylan called "Aeolus! Sword!" he nodded and threw Dylan the sword. Dylan caught it, and decapitated the nearest earth demon, I did the same to a fire demon. Before I could stab the next earth demon, Loki jumped up and grabbed his arm and the demon burst into flame, Loki dropped to the ground and ran to the next earth demon. I made a split second decision and froze time, I unfroze Aeolus and he looked around, confused.

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