Chapter 10

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Bills POV
As I walked to school with my yellow triangle backpack, I noticed a crowd at the front of the school around some kid. It appeared to be a boy but I didn't know for sure. I got closer to see a kid I had never seen before. He looked around our age so I can only assume he's new.
Though I find it strange that people are crowding around HIM. Such a basic boy. People never crowded around me like that when I first got to this school and I look way cooler than him. Eh. I don't really care all that much. I know I'm better anyways.
So after that I made my way through the school into my useless classes.

Dippers POV
As I got out of my 5th period it was finally time for lunch. Lunch was the most boring part of the day for me. I may be weird for it, but I love to learn things in my classes. It peaks an interest in me. Though, I've always been one to love school ever since my childhood.

As I sat in my chair at the table I always sit in. I realized almost all the tables were empty. I was so confused. The school tables are always full. Then I noticed. Most people pulled up their chairs to sit at Alex's table. The new kid. Alex seemed nice, but weird. I don't understand why everyone likes him so much when it's his first day. I saw Bill across the room staring at the new kids table as well, then he caught my glance. Making eye contact with Bill was the worst choice I have made today, because as soon he saw me staring he stood and walked over to my table. I was no longer alone. Now I had an extremely annoying dream demon sitting at the table with me disrupting my lunch. "Heyyy Pine Tree~" Bill said in a playful tone. Ugh. "Dammit Bill why did you have come over and ruin the peace." I said passive aggressively. Of course as usual he started to act hella annoying. I'm starting to get used to it but it still annoys me a lot.

He started to scoot his chair closer to me. I scooted away. He scooted close again. I scooted away again, and it continued like that for a good five minutes. "Alright what is your deal Bill? What is it you want from me?" I asked hesitantly.
"All I want is to be your friend kid." He confessed. I was so confused. So many emotions going through my mind at once. I didn't know if he was serious or just joking, you can never tell with Bill. He's unpredictable. "I'm serious kid, I just wanna be your friend." He said a bit embarrassed. I knew he was telling the truth, but it was hard to believe. I thought he hated me. He tried to kill me and my family when me and Mabel were just kids, and then comes back years later, bullying me and stealing all my friends. I just don't understand it. What has changed? I thought he wanted me to suffer. I thought he wanted to ruin my life. Maybe I was wrong. Or maybe I was right. I guess I'll have to find out. "Okay Bill, I'll be your 'friend' I suppose but don't think I won't drop you if you try to pull anything." I told him. I am not gonna take his shit anymore. If we're friends I'm not just gonna trust him so easily, he'll have to earn it. I'm sure he just heard what I said in my mind- shit. I gotta get better at hiding my thoughts! "I understand that and I won't pull anything, I give you my word!" As soon as Bill gave me his response the bell rang. It was time to go to the next period. "Cya around Pine Tree!" He said excitedly. "Cya around Bill." I replied.

Authors note: thank you so much for reading! I appreciate the reads 🤧 also I started a ships Instagram account if you'd like to follow but you don't have to :3 it's @shippersimper thanks for reading again! Goodbye! 💕

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