Chapter 26

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Dippers POV
When we arrive at the mystery shack, Bill is still carrying me bridal style. I wish I could say I'm not enjoying this but I'd be lying. When we get to the door Bill puts me down gently, giving me a worried look.
"Bill, I have a concussion, it doesn't mean my legs don't work."
"I'm still new to this whole being a human thing Dipper.. So I don't really understand the difference."
I sigh, "I mean that I'm fine so just relax, okay?"
He nods at me, still clearly unconvinced.
We push the slightly open door and it slowly creaks open.
We walk in and that's when the Grunkles jump out at us, "WHO ARE YOU HOW DID YOU GET IN-" Ford starts yelling but when he realizes it's me he abruptly stops.
"The door was open-" I mumble.
Ford angrily turns to Stan, "Stanley did you the door open again? How many have do I have to tell you to make sure it's closed!"
Stan rolls his eyes, "Ford I'll try work on that, but that's not important right now," He glares at me, "The school called us Dipper we know you skipped school."
I take a deep breath. I obviously can't tell them that I came here, stole Grunkle Fords truth serum, and then held a dangerous dream demon captive and all while giving him that truth serum. Nope. They'd find out who Bill really is and I'd never see him again. There's no way that's happening. So I lie.

"Look guys, here's the truth," I mumble. "I had another anxiety attack at school and I passed out, hitting my head on the concrete. Bill found me and took me to the hospital, turns out I have a concussion, so obviously I had to stay there for awhile."
I look at Bill, his mouth is wide open, as if he thought I didn't have the ability to lie. I've lied to myself my whole life that I didn't like guys, obviously I have experience.
My Grunkles stare at me with pity.
"Well I guess you're not in trouble since it's really not your fault." Grunkle Ford sighs.
"Bill, thank you for helping out Dipper, is there any way we could repay you?" Grunkle Ford asks.
"Well yeah, you could let me live here. I'll work for free! Please!" He pleads
"Not happening!" Grunkle Stan shouts.
"Now Stan, you know we barely have staff as it is, and we know this kid isn't a threat."
Stan glares at Ford, "Ford you know the only reason he wants to be here is so he can sleep with our nephew. Don't forget that."
"Well we obviously will have to have them in separate rooms, on separate floors, but we have enough room."
Grunkle Stan groans. The whole room is silent for what feels like forever before Stan finally speaks.
"I'll let you stay here Bill. But if we EVER catch you and Dipper getting it on again then we're throwing you out." Grunkle Ford looks at Stan and smiles.
I turn towards Bill, feeling so much happiness that I jump for joy, but I stop when I feel the throbbing in my head antagonizing me. I hug Bill and I want to kiss him so bad but I don't wanna test my Grunkle's patience. Bill winks and nods at me.
Bill thanks my Grunkle's profusely and shakes their hands. I can't help but laugh at their obliviousness of who Bill really is. They'd be absolutely livid if they knew they were shaking Bill Cipher's hand.
I grab Bill's arm and we rush to my room.
"We'll come check on you two in a bit!.." Grunkle Stan yells.

Bills POV
When we get to his room I gently press him against the wall and kiss him passionately. When we break away, I just stare at him. "I never thought I'd feel for anyone what I feel for you Dipper." I mumble. I never thought me, THE Bill Cipher, could ever feel shy. This is weird for me.
His cheeks flush and he turns away. He takes a deep breath then looks at me.
"Me either Bill, especially not for you, I had hoped I'd never see your face again in the past. I don't feel that way anymore of course, but it's just crazy how much we've both changed. You've changed me for the better, and made me realize that people can't help who they love and that there's nothing wrong with loving the same gender. I owe the person I am now all to you. I love you Bill." I feel my cheeks heat up. He hugs me gently. I read his mind, "Maybe it was too soon to say that, I might scare him away-"
I break away from the hug.
"Pine Tree you could never scare me away. I'm completely obsessed with you now and that will never change. And no it's not too soon, because I feel the same way. I love you Pine Tree." His alluring brown eyes grow wide, and for a moment he just stares at me. Then he practically jumps onto me, pushing me on the bed while giving me such a tight hug that if he hugged any tighter I might suffocate in his arms. I laugh at that thought, I'm glad Pine Tree can't read my thoughts, he's way too innocent.
Just then, Mabel bursts in the room squeaking with joy. "DIPPER PACIFICA FOUND OUT I WROTE HER THE LETTERS AND ASKED ME OUT! I'm so happy!!" She squealed and did some kind of I don't know- happy dance?
She then notices us together in the bed. "And it looks like you two have gotten together as well! So everyone's happy, yaya!" She cheers. "I'll see you later guys I'm gonna gonna see my girlfriend EEEEE!"
When she leaves, me and Pine Tree burst into laughter.
When our laughter dies out we just stare into each others eyes and smile.
I look at him, and he looks at me. "I want things to stay like this forever." He thinks to himself. I chuckle at him, "Then let's make that happen." He smirks at me and lays his head on my chest, I close my eyes. And that's when I know that every decision I've made prior to this moment was worth it if it means I get to be right here, right now, forever.

A/N: IM SO HAPPY TO FINISH THISS I'm sorry if the ending was unsatisfying but I just don't have the passion I used to for writing but I still enjoyed writing this story very much thanks to everyone who has every read this, I'm so incredibly grateful to each and every one of you!

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