Chapter 24

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The Next Day

Third Person POV
Dipper woke up feeling nervous, today was the day he would take Grunkle Fords truth serum. He took a deep breath and got ready for the day. He went to school, just like normal and sat through each and every boring class. He was ahead of everyone in the school since he studied at home in his free time, so he never even needed to pay attention in class.

By the time it was lunch he dashed out of school and went home, he rushed down to the basement looking around as much as possible to make sure no one was around. He knew the Stans would typically go out for lunch so this was most likely the only chance he'd have.
He shuffled through all the drawers and cabinets carefully, making sure he didn't break anything. He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead as he searched frantically.
It felt like hours until he finally found it, it was labeled "Truth Serum" just as Bill said.
"Bingo!" he whisper-yelled. Finally he could get out of there.

He ran to the elevator, then ran up the stairs, and finally was back in the shop room. Just then, the Grunkles car pulled in. "Shit shit shit!" He thought while hiding the truth serum in his backpack.
He quickly hides in a clothing rack.
The Grunkles walked in, as chatty as ever. Luckily for him, they didn't spot him. He waited for what felt like forever for them to leave, when they did he immediately rushed out the door. He started running as fast as he could to get to the cabin.

Bills POV
I was just sitting down minding my own business- when all of a sudden Dipper comes running into the cabin sweating like he just ran a marathon. He falls to his knees and I can see the sweat dripping from his forehead and onto the floor.
"Dipper why the hell would you run here?" I ask with a bit of frustration within my tone.

He catches his breath before answering, "I- I ran from the shack all the way here, I had a wave of adrenaline, I had to get as far away as I could quickly so no one would see me. The Stans still think I'm at school."
I sigh and roll my eyes. "And why didn't you just come after school?"
"Bill are you slow? I couldn't go when they're home, they don't just let me go down there by myself they think it's 'dangerous'. So of course I had to go during school, because they were supposed to be out for their lunch break!"
He quietly shouts in and out of breath.
"Okay okay sorry, I just don't want you to exhaust yourself."
"You don't have to worry about it, I'm fine it wasn't as far as you're making it out to be."

He's frustrated with me, I can tell.
"But who cares about this, all that matters is that I got the truth serum!" He screams excitedly while wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.
I sigh and say with my calmest voice, "Good job Pine Tree, you did good."
I see him blush for a minute, but he quickly composes himself.
"Yep, I sure did, that's me, I can totally do things like that all the time... no struggle at all."
I laugh a bit at this for a few seconds, then I put on a serious face.
"Are you ready for the plan?"
"Ready as I'll ever be..."

We wait for a little while, til it's almost time for school to get out. Then I get ready and Dipper helps me. He makes sure I have everything I need with me. We've established that it's better for me to just go alone, the new kid isn't very fond of Dipper. He might be able to figure out what we're up to if he comes along. He seems pretty smart- for the most part.

I make sure to bring a small weapon to hit him in the head with just in case he doesn't come with me willingly. Dipper questions me about this.

"But Bill, how are you supposed to carry him all by yourself? You need to let me come so I can help!"
I slap my hand on my forehead.
"Cmon Dipper, you've seen this body and you should know what it's capable of." ;)
He blushes hard and I can't help but laugh. I've never seen a human get flustered so easily the way he does. But I love that about him.
"Okay yeah I know... but just try to be careful anyway... Please..?"
I nod at him with a smile. He doesn't need to worry about me, I almost took over the world. So I think I can handle one person. Or is he even a person? No clue. But that's what we're about to find out.

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