Chapter 12

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Dippers POV
It's been about 2 weeks since that new kid arrived at Gravity Falls High School and me and Bill don't have a good feeling about him. Bill doesn't like him, and neither do I. There's something quite strange about this kid. He's nice but not in a calm normal nice kinda way, he's too nice. It's very suspicious. We don't believe his little act for a second. He has all he students brainwashed and crazy over him. He even tried to talk to us and continuously does try and talk to us during days in the week. He'll try and make small talk with us. I guess he thinks we're stupid. In reality we're the only students in the school who aren't giving in to his little act. Even Mabel is friends with him. She thinks he's amazing. Of course she'd be stupid enough to fall for his games. We don't know what he's planning but we're gonna find out eventually. I should really stop thinking about this and get to class.

After the last class of the day.

Still Dippers POV
After an exhausting 8 hour day of school it was finally time to go home. Instead of taking the bus home, I started to walk him instead. I could use the exercise anyways. As I was starting to walk out of the school I saw the new kid. He was talking to a bunch of people then he made eye contact with me and walked over to me. "Hey Dipper.." he said nicely but it almost seemed passive aggressive. I had a bad feeling about him. "I hope you don't have any bad feelings about me or anything I'm actually quite nice." He said as if he had read my mind. I was very confused. It really seemed like he had read my mind- No Dipper, don't be ridiculous humans can't read minds. He's probably just a weird creepy kid or something. He smiled a smug looking smile. Which really made me nervous. "I- I gotta go kid okay..." I told him. "I have to get home." I lied. It was true I did need to get home but in reality Grunkle Stan and Ford probably wouldn't mind if I was late. I started to walk away from this kid and get in the sidewalk when I felt someone touch my shoulder. "Ahhhh." I squealed like a little girl. When I saw who it was I was pissed. "Bill! Not funny!" I scoffed.
"You should've seen the look on your face!" He said laughing loudly. I glared at him. "Alright alright kid sheesh calm down." He smiled. I will admit I was having fun with him around. He's actually pretty cool. I'm starting to trust him more and more everyday but I'm still scared to trust him for some reason, but I'm getting there. Oh shit I hope he didn't read that. His ego is big enough as it is. He laughed at me once more. I sighed. And we talked to the whole way to the Mystery Shack.
We walked and talked and kept and continued to talk as we walked upstairs. I saw my Grunkles look at us in shock, but I ignored their stares.

Stans POV
For the first time in a long time, I saw something in Dipper I hadn't seen in so long. Happiness. He looked genuinely happy when he was talking to the new cashier I hired. That was enough to put a smile on my face. I'd never admit it but all I wanted was to see the kid happy. He's been so unhappy and just bored with life for years. Maybe this boy can change him for the better. I hope so, that's all I'll ever want before I pass away.

Back to Dippers POV
When me and Bill got upstairs we sat on my bed and talked to each other for what felt like hours. Somehow this dream demon could always manage to make me smile and laugh. He was the friend I never knew I needed. "Hey Pine Tree whatcha thinking about." He said while raising his eyebrows. He probably already knew. "You." I replied to him. He blushed at me. Seeing his cheeks that red made me blush back but I still don't know why. After that I felt tired and I started to yawn. Bill looked at me with a smirk. "Tired huh?" He said playfully. And with that he laid down on my bed. He stared at me for a bit longer then said, "Well go on, lay down." I blushed. "With you?" I asked. "Well yeah duh." He replied. I did as he said and laid down with him. Then the next thing I knew, I was starting to fall asleep on his chest, and I never felt more safe in my entire life.

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