Chapter 14

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Dippers POV
"Huaaa" I yawned. Then I checked the time. It was morning! Today is finally here! I got up and brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. I changed into swim shorts with a plain top on. Today was the day I would go swimming with Bill in the lake at the docks. I used to go all the time with Ford, a long time ago. I've never been with Stan here before though but now I will go with Bill! It was a secluded area just nature at its best, and people didn't things ruin for once.

As I walked down the hallway I passed Mabel room. We had a stare down for a few minutes. Every time I was near Mabel I just felt a cold unhappy feeling because of the past arguments we've had. I haven't been rude to Mabel since Bill had that little talk with me a few days ago, but I still didn't speak to her at all as usual. I don't know if I wanna patch things up with her yet... Our relationship is completely broken, I don't know if it's fixable anymore. "W- where are you going?..." She timidly asked me. I saw the fear on her face, she was thinking I was gonna yell at her or make a snarky comment, but this time I didn't. I don't want to upset her. I'm tired of all this fighting it's done enough damage to the both of us. And it's all my fault. If my parents would get out of my head nothing like this would've happen. Enough thoughts about this, I should answer her. "I- I'm going to the docks.." I said nervously. She seemed surprised I didn't yell and then smiled at me. I could tell it wasn't a happy smile but maybe she was a little happy that I didn't get annoyed... "Well have fun." She said and I could tell she genuinely meant it no matter how sad she was. I tried to make somewhat of a smile back at her before I walked away, but it just turned into a half smile.
As soon as I got downstairs I waved goodbye to my Grunkles. They waved back just as surprised as Mabel was earlier.

As soon as I got to the docks I saw Bill standing there bored and waiting for me. I ran over to him. "Oops didn't mean to kept you waiting." I told him while nudging him in the shoulder. He was surprised too about that. God why is everyone so surprised today? I took off my shirt to get into the water and motioned for Bill to do the same. And when he did, I started blushing and almost fainted. Damn he has a nice body. After I had that thought Bill smirked. "Take it a photo, it'll last longer." He winked playfully. My eyes widened and I blushed even harder. "Oh hush Bill!" I grumbled. Then he got in and I came in after him. "Ahhh woahhhh." Bill yelped. I laughed at him, he was so bad at swimming. "Pine Tree that's not funny I'm gonna drown!" He complained. I rolled my eyes. "Why I would let you drown? You know I used to be a lifeguard right? You're not gonna drown idiot!" I reassured him. I could tell he believed me. He had to I was the only one here besides him. He started yelping again like a little girl who can't tie her shoelace. He fell underwater, so I went under to get him back up. "Bill you gotta be more careful you dumbass." I confronted him. He glared at me with a frown. I snickered at him. He was funny when he was mad. Then he had the audacity to splash me. I splashed him back. He splashed me even harder. Which left me shocked. "Oh it's on!" I told him competitively.
"How dare you!" I yelled at Bill. He splashed me so hard I fell underwater and had to come back up again. "Hah you lose I win!" He screamed like a kindergartner. "Hey! I have many talents, way more than a useless kindergartner would have!" He claimed. I laughed at him. "Keep telling yourself that." I mumbled. Then we started arguing about who really won (though we weren't actually mad).

He keep rambling on, I ignored him and stared deep into his eyes with a huge smile on my face. I scanned little details on his face. His beautifully structured face... I knew he wasn't reading my mind because he was so busy babbling on about how he was winner. Typical Bill. I thought about how I wanted to kiss him so bad... No Dipper! What's wrong with you! He's your friend! Ahhhhh! I freaked out in my head and started to blush. Bill noticed I wasn't listening. "Hey Pine Tree? Are you even listening to me?!" He asked in a little fury. "Yea yea of course Bill." I lied still not taking my eyes off his face. "Ugh whatever." He said with a little pout. Sometimes Bill acted like a child and I loved it. It was hilarious. Much better than anything you'd ever see on Tv.

*Time SkiP*

After a few hours I told Bill it was time I went home. He got a little sad but listened to me. We have school tomorrow and I gotta get ready to go to sleep soon. "Bye asshole!" I said casually. "Bye Pine Tree." He grinned ignoring the fact I called him an asshole.
I walked home in a great mood, today was a cool day. I got to spend time with him. I was always happy to spend time with him. The more I hung out with him the more I started to trust and admire him. I can't believe he's the same who terrorized our town a few years ago. If he can change so can I... As I walked home I had faith in myself and felt amazing. I felt like a different person. Happiness can make a person act better. It really makes a difference in me. I hope I can stay like this all time. I hope I can be who I really wanna be.

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