Chapter 20

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Dippers POV
Here I am, at my house after being talked down by my old 'friends'. Their words make me feel so bad about myself. They made me realize what kind of person I was. What kind of person I used to be. I want to change. I don't wanna be this way. I'm not gonna be this way anymore. I'm gonna be who I wanna be. I'm not gonna let what my stupid parents thoughts dictate my life anymore. From now on, I will be myself. I will be who Ive always wanted to be, and I'm not gonna judge others for what they like... I'm sorry I disappointed you mom and dad but this ends now. I'm still sad though. I'm so weak for letting such pathetic assholes get to me.

I walked up to my room in a sad state. Bill wasn't even home yet. It's so lonely here without him. I miss his cute face... Ugh what am I thinking. He probably doesn't like me anyways. I should probably only think of him as a friend. He could do better than me anyways. Bill, he's very handsome, he could get anyone in the multiverse that he wants. He wouldn't want such a puny human like me. Shut up brain! Stop thinking about him dammit. M-maybe the new kid likes him. What if that's why he didn't want me talking to Bill. That's a bit possessive, but Bill isn't mine.

After I got out of the hospital Mabel hugged me tight and and ever since we've been closer. I don't feel cold towards her anymore. And all I want for us now is to have our old happy sibling relationship like before. I need to apologize to her eventually, she needs to know I'm changing. I want to show her. Me and Mabel, we were best friends as kids. And Those were the happiest years of my life. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't let my parents death change how I view the world. I would be a better brother. Even though I'm becoming a different person I still feel so guilty for how I've been. I feel so ashamed. And with that thought, I started to cry. Thankfully I was in my room and no one could see me. I wouldn't want them to think less of me. It's very embarrassing. My parents had always told me it was wrong for boys to cry, it was weak for us to do so. I know my parents were wrong about a lot of things, but what if they're right... It's weak for me to be crying like this. "That's for babies!" They'd always tell me. I don't know what to do. I cuff my hands around my face and sob quietly into them.

Bills POV
I walked slowly into the mystery shack. "Hmm." I thought. "What to do, what to do?" I thought. Then the idea popped into my head. "Oh I know! I'll go bother Pine Tree!" I thought with a smirk. I waltzed up the stairs skipping on each step. I'm always happy when I get to see my Pine Tree. As I got closer to the door, I heard sniffling. "Huh?" I thought. I opened the door slowly to see Dipper crying on the floor, whilst holding his face. In shock, I rushed over. "Pine Tree?! Are you okay!? What's wrong! Did someone hurt you?! I will kill them!" I said in a rage. He looked up at me with teary eyes and that made my anger suddenly turn into worry. I've never been very good at comforting others, but I have to try for him. Suddenly, I sat on the hardwood cold floor, and wrapped him in a tight embrace. He cried on my shoulder. "Bill I'm sorry I'm so weak." He yelped. I moved away and peered at him with a serious face. I put my arms around his waist. "Dipper, you know that's not true, I haven't met many meatsticks, but you're the strongest one I've ever met." I told him. He stared into my eyes then hugged me even harder. "I don't know what I'd do without you..." He added. I smiled. "Well you don't have to worry about that, I'll always be here for you." I said. And with that, he stopped crying, then closed his eyes with a big smile across his face, and began to fall asleep on me. But I didn't mind of course, I actually liked it..

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