Chapter 15

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Dippers POV
My alarm clock beeped. "Shut the fuck upppp." I mumbled angrily. It's way too early for this shit. Then I realized, it's a school day! I'm gonna be late! I brushed my teeth, put on an outfit I thought was suitable, grabbed my backpack, and rushed down the stairs. Then I ran to the school quickly. Phew. I was almost late today! Mondays are the worst. If I could take any day of the week in this world, it would be Monday for sure.

When I reached the front of the school I didn't see anyone outside strange, weird. Then I checked my watch. I'm an hour early! Shoot the time must've changed. I'm so dumb. "Hey." I heard a voice say creepily from behind me. It was the new kid. He was the only one here... He walked up to me slowly with this weird grin on his face. He studied my appearance for a second which was kind of weird- When he was this close up to me it made me nervous... He was really tall now that I realize- his grin soon turned into a glare. "Listen kid you need to stay away from someone." He said reluctantly. I looked at him confused. What does he even mean? Huh? "And that someone I'm talking about is Bill." When the new kid said that name I was shocked. Why does he want me to stay away from Bill? "What the heck dude, I've barely even known you for long and you're already trying to threaten me, what's your deal?" I asked hesitantly. He's an idiot if he thinks I'm gonna listen to him. "Listen Dipper I'm gonna say this once, STAY, AWAY, FROM, BILL!!" he roared. He was so loudly that it hurt my ears. "Bill is my friend and I'm not about to ditch him just because you say so." I sassed him. That was a mistake. After that statement he picked me up by my neck and held me like that for a bit. "I don't think you understand who I am. I know you don't know me but I know you and I know that you like Bill." He confronted. "L- L- Let me go!" I choked. When he let me go I breathed heavily. Man this guy is nuts! "Me and Bill are only friends you psycho!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "Oh please I'm not blind, I see how you two look at each other." He said angrily. "That's not okay! It's weird! And gross! Bill isn't supposed to be with a human that's just disgusting, he should be with someone of his own kind. Like his mother wanted him to." The new kid screeched. He took a deep breath. "I don't understand- why do you care about any of this!?" I asked. He gave me an emotionless look. "Like I'm gonna tell you." He scoffed. "Oh and if you even think about talking to Bill again I'll kill you and your entire family at the mystery shack and you'll never see them ever again!" He smirked as if he was proud of himself. "You wouldn't dare!" I spat. He glared at me then laughed like a maniac. "You really wanna test me? I could kill you and your whole family easily. It wouldn't even be a challenge. I know you care about that girl Mabel, your sister I can kill her first if you want~" He said happily. This guy is heartless. I knew he was telling the truth though. "O- okay..." I stuttered. "I won't talk to him." He smirked at me. "Glad we could come to an agreement." He grinned. Then he walked off to god knows where. I sat on the bench beside the school thinking about all the things that just happened. I wanted to cry but I just couldn't. So I decided to just wait there for an hour for school to start...

Bills POV
When I walked in the school and into my classes for the day, I noticed everyone still obsessing over the new kid. I thought this would blow over but of course everyone just thinks he's 'so cool' which is dumb because clearly I'm the coolest person in this school.

After my math class, I had lunch next. When I walked into lunch I saw Dipper, he wasn't sitting at our usual table today, that's weird. Maybe he just chose a new one for us to sit at today. Yeah that's probably it. So I walked over there to sit beside him. As soon I did that I noticed he had a weird expression on his face. He made eye contact with me for a split second then got up out of his seat to go to a different table. I followed him. "Pine Tree what's going on?" I asked him playfully. "Don't ya wanna sit beside me?" He ignored me. I tried a few more attempts of talking to him but he kept ignoring me as if I wasn't even there in the first place. "What the hell Dipper?" I argued. "What's going on?" He continued to ignore me. He then moved to another table once again. This time I didn't follow him. Maybe he just needs some space. Or maybe he's avoiding me... I frowned the whole time at lunch not knowing why Dipper was ignoring me. I really hope he just needs some alone time and that's it- if not I don't know what I'll do.

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