1. Who needs college anyway

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I start college in two months and to be honest I'm dreading it, the thought of doing work that includes using my brain bugs me. I finished high school mid June and it's coming to the end of July. I hated high school those five years were the worst, everyone acting like their your friend just to then leave you when they're bored. I'm the type of person that likes to be mutual with everyone, no arguments or drama, I'm not like most of the girls in my year I don't need friends to survive. High school wasn't just bad because of the people but the amount of work they make you do, don't get me wrong I work hard to try to do well but sometimes it becomes too much and my mental health gets worse but it's not just me, the amount of teens my age that say the same things and the government and the schools do nothing about is ridiculous.

Anyways moving away from the boring talk about school, it's Sunday meaning it's raceday. I'm not a huge Formula 1 fan like my dad but I like to watch it not for the drivers but for the adrenaline rush and the nerves pacing through my body. It's the 2021 Silverstone Grand Prix meaning it our home GP. The only driver I really know is Sebastian Vettle the other drivers I have to google or just agree with the commentator, I used to watch him when I was a little girl, he was the only drivers name I could remember. Seb seems like a chill guy, he seems like the type of person to get along with everyone. On the other hand my dad was cheering for Hamilton, now before you ask the who do you prefer Max or Lewis, you can decide cause I'm sitting on the fence they're two great drivers.

Sitting on the edge of my seat I hear the commentator "And it's lights out and away they go". I watch Lewis and Max battling for P1 on the first lap, I bite my nails as the nerves rise watching closely. Then all of a sudden I see Max crash, a gasp leaves my mouth. I hear the commentator say that Max crashed at 200mph due to Lewis touching Max's right rear tyre, a crash like that can lead to serious injuries but luckily max got out ok and was slightly shaken up which is understandable. The red flag was shown moments later making all cars return to the pits. Waiting for the race to restart took awhile, later finding out that Lewis got a 10 second penalty for his little rival with Max on Lap 1. After watching the race it had a exciting end with Hamilton managing to pass Leclerc even with his 10 second penalty. Making Lewis P1, Charles P2 and Bottas P3, after watching the podium I went up to my room to scroll through the socials.

There was a lot of controversy about whether Lewis' penalty was fair or if it wasn't enough. It was clear Christian Horner thought it wasn't enough and was obviously pissed about not getting any points with Checo also at the bottom half of the grid. It was good to see that Max was ok, he went to hospital and got the all clear from the doctors and he had some words to share of his own. I understand that Max felt disrespected by Lewis celebrating on the podium but we as fans need to understand this is racing, it's going to happen whether we like it or not. As I was scrolling through my insta feed I saw an advertisement on the McLaren Instagram about winning an apprenticeship with McLaren and only one person could win it. All you had to do was fill in form and be 16-18 and to talk a bit about yourself, it mentioned that it would be a full time apprenticeship meaning that whoever wins would have to move to Surrey but hospitality would be included. I decided to fill it in because why not I know I won't get it but it's good to try.

Name: Y/N Y/L/N
Age: 16
Currently in work or school: No
Email and Phone Number: y/n y/l/n at gmail.com 012345678910
About Yourself: So I love to watch Formula 1 with my dad but I've only recently started to properly watch it. I know the basics, I know most of the drivers names (not going to lie but sometimes I have to google them) and some of the team principles. I watched the first season of Drive to Survive so that's some knowledge. Truth is I'd rather do something I know I'd enjoy rather than spending two years at college still trying to decide what I want to do in later life. I have no interest in going to Uni but this apprenticeship could be a really good opportunity for me.
Are you sure you want to submit?
I clicked yes. 'Thank you for filling in the survey, if you win you will get a email or phone call in 4-5 working days'

After filling out the form, I decided to tell my parents. My dad was happy that I filled in the form.
"It's highly unlikely I will get the apprenticeship, but it's good to at least try."
"You're very right sweetheart." My dad replied smiling.
"What if you do get it, you realise you will have to move out."
"Yes mum I realise that but Woking is like an hour away it's not that far. Trust me mum I won't get it." I said. She sighed and replied with a simple fine and went back to reading whatever book she's reading. My mum is quite chill and likes to read but sometimes snaps out of nowhere I guess menopause is starting to hit her, don't tell her I said that. Whereas my dad he's chill like my mum but is more protective, that's probably why I've never had a boyfriend but sometimes he snaps and it's worse then when mum snaps. Mum snaps more than dad does a lot more than dad does but when dad does it's not scary it's just not good. 

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