17. My first day ish...

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Surprisingly I woke up earlier than my alarm, I guess I was worried I might sleep through it. This gave me more time to get ready before leaving for the flight home. As it was actually my first day I styled my hair, I curled it and added hairspray for an added touch, put on makeup and perfume and packed my things. There wasn't enough time for breakfast so I headed straight downstairs meeting Charlotte, Lando and Jon in the lobby. Charlotte looked extremely tired she had to take the lease car back an hour before we even had to get up. "Is it possible if I could get a taxi with y/n?" Lando asked Jon and Charlotte, I looked at him with a surprised face.
"Well um, yeah I can't see why not. Are you ok with that y/n?" Charlotte said, I was still confused but I nodded. "Great." Lando smiled. After waiting for ten minutes the taxis arrived outside the hotel, we pushed through the thirsty teenage girls waiting for Lando and Charlotte and Jon got into one taxi whilst Lando and I got in the other. I looked out the window of the taxi at the girls, they looked angry, like I was Lando's girlfriend or something, ha I wish. "So want me to buy you breakfast at the airport?" Lando asked.
"I'm good I kinda feel sick if I eat before a flight." 
"Hmm well that's a lie, Miss y/l/n I saw you getting breakfast at the airport Wednesday morning." "Hmm that wasn't me Mr Norris." 
"How can you lie to a pretty face like this." He pouts. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "I'm still going to get you breakfast." 
"Fine but I don't want omelette anything but omelette." 
"Ok, so what about croissants?" 
"Wait, I just had an idea. Stroopwafels." 
"Yes." Lando said. 
"You two are very cute together, such a gorgeous couple." The taxi driver said with a dutch accent. "Oh we aren't together." I said laughing nervously. 
"Well you should be. Anyway here we are." We got out the car the driver passed us our bags and we waited for Charlotte's and Jon's taxi to show. As they arrived we headed inside and put all out suitcases on the conveyor belt and headed to security, we got the all clear and headed to check to see if the gate had opened yet. The airport was super busy, Lando grabbed onto my hand making sure we didn't lose each other with Charlotte and Jon following close behind. We stood in the middle of the airport "Wait I got a text from Jose, everyone is in the private lounge at gate 23." 
"Ok, well y/n and I need to do something first and we'll meet you guys there." Lando said. Jon and Charlotte looked at each other with a suspicious look. "What?" Lando said.
"Is something going on between you two? You two held each others hand just then." Charlotte asked. "No nothing is, I just want to make sure y/n is ok, I promised her breakfast." Lando said. "Ok but don't be late, be in the lounge in 25 minutes." Jon said, both Lando and I nodded. We headed to a small cafe and got our stroopwafels and sat down. "I don't want what Charlotte and Jon suggested to make things weird between us." 
"It won't but Lando you're actions and what you've been saying is confusing me like the holding hands the comment at breakfast the other day basically saying you wanted to be in my bed again." 
"Ok the holding hands is because I worry about you, I don't want some 40 year old to hit on you and try to kidnap you and the comment was just a joke but I really did sleep better with you." Lando said. "Look I don't want to admit this but I do have feelings for you Lando and I shouldn't. One we work together, two we have a 5 year age gap." 
"I didn't expect that." Lando said shocked. The awkward silence began and after 2 minutes we headed to the lounge. I put my airpods in and sat on my own, music might help the fact I just admitted to a famous f1 driver who has more than 3 million girls after him that I had a crush on him and all he said was it was unexpected. 10 minutes later I got a tap on my shoulder I took one of my airpods out and looked behind me. "It's time to board." Charlotte said. I grabbed my things and headed for the plane. "I still want you to sit next to me." Lando said whilst boarding the plane. "It's not a good idea." I replied.
"Miss y/l/n are you going to break our promise?" 
"Lando." I looked at him serious.
"Ugh fine." I said. We sat down in our seats, we ignored what I said before and brushed it off like it was nothing. We spent the hole plane journey talking about everything but cars, we laughed so loud about 20 of the McLaren staff had to tell us to shut up. 

After landing and grabbing our stuff we headed to the coach and headed back to the McLaren Technology Centre. "Right I'm going home. I'll be back later though, got to go back on the sim." Lando said. "Ok I might not see you so bye." I smiled. Lando left whereas I followed Zak upstairs I placed my suitcase in his office. "Right so I'm going to give you a tour and loads of information about everything here. After that I'm going to take you home to unpack your things and I'll pick you up at 5 again and bring you back here, you're going to have a couple hours with Jon learning basically a tiny part about everything you will learn over the next few months before Jon helps Lando on the sim." Zak said.

We started downstairs and headed upstairs, the tour lasted about 3 hours, Zak told me everything I need to know. Once we finished up I grabbed my suitcase and headed for Zak's car, he dropped me off the time was 2 giving me 3 hours to unpack and do what I like. I received my promised groceries and placed them in the fridge, it felt good to be back home. 

After 3 hours of unpacking and watching some Netflix, Zak came back and picked me up. I walked into a small room, it had a projector and desk, like a tiny classroom. Zak told me to wait for Jon just before he left to have a meeting. Jon quickly rushed in "Sorry I'm a bit late, right so y/n I'm going to be your teacher on Mondays and someone will be your teacher the other days you are in." Jon quickly set up the projector. "You will be learning about everything to do with a car, whether that is a McLaren 720s or a formula one car." Jon spoke and I listened. "You will take a small test before the new season starts, if you pass that test there will be a discussion on you starting to attend Formula One races, but that depends on the effort you put in and whether you pass it. When the new season starts you won't be doing any more theory you are going to start with helping around the technology centre. Anyway lets start." Jon spoke explaining the engine of a formula one car I wrote down notes in a notepad I was given making sure I got most of it written down. After two hours we wrapped up the lesson, Jon headed to the sim and I went on a hunt for Zak, I found him in his office. "Hey!" I said.
"Hey y/n, we will leave in 15 mins, could you grab something for me?"He asked.
"There's a meeting room just past the sim room I left my key card on the table please can you grab it for me?" 
"Yes." I left the room I heard Zak shout thank you down the corridor. 

As I approached the room I saw the key card and grabbed it as I walked out the room I saw Lando turning the corner an his way to the sim room. I felt as nervous as a child in year 5 asking out their crush I rushed back into the meeting room, two minutes later I checked the coast was clear and practically ran back to Zak's office. "Ahh thank you y/n." Zak said. 

We left and Zak dropped me off at home. I spent a few hours going through my notes from Jon's lesson before heading to bed.


I'm sorry for how long this is and the end was a little blunt but I didn't want to drag it a long. 

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