9. The day before

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I woke up to the sight of the TV saying Continue watching... with Twilight Breaking dawn Part 1 as the movie, I don't even remember starting that. I sat up and saw Molly sleeping peacefully next to me, I got up and made us a coffee. I nudged her and put the coffee next to her "Molly I made you a coffee." She could barely reply.
"Mhm." She mumbled falling back asleep. I let her sleep for 10 minutes before waking her properly as she was going to miss her train if she slept any longer. I gave her a bigger nudge to which she replied with a slap to get me away, so I had to do this the hard way. I grabbed a glass of water and pored it on her face. She woke up gasping "What the fuck?! I was sleeping." She said. "Get up sleeping beauty or you'll miss your train."

Molly had a quick shower and got ready, I helped her pack her final bag. "I'm going to walk to the station with you." I said.
"You don't have too."
"Well it would be a farewell if I wasn't there to wave you goodbye when the train leaves." I said and she agreed. The station was a 10 minute walk and as we approached the platform I made sure she had everything. I gave her a tight hug and tears began to rush down my face, I told her I'd be back at Christmas but she began to cry. As she stepped onto the train I wiped my tears and waved goodbye, the doors shut. This isn't a cringey movie where I chase the train and wave like I'm never going to see Molly again, I just stood and waved because she knows I'll see her again. Once the train was out of sight I walked back home slower and took it in that I wouldn't see my best friend for a while and this summer has been the most we have ever hung out together, I would miss her but it's a start for new beginnings.

When I got back to the apartment I packed my suitcase ready for the weekend. I spent the day making alarms for bed and to wake up, making sure I had my clothes for the morning ready and made sure I packed everything that Zak told me to bring. I have been abroad many times before but I have never been to the Netherlands so this would be the first.

I looked at my socials and saw loads of pictures of Lando and I from last night. I saw his fan girls starting to jump to conclusions and got dms of girls asking me if I were his girlfriend I just ignored them. I took a photo of me in my uniform for McLaren and used it as my new profile photo for Instagram as I started to want to make my Instagram account look professional to the fans.

A couple hours later my parents called me telling me they saw Molly get home, I'm glad she got home safe. I told them about me going to the Dutch Grand Prix and they were really excited for me and told me to text them every couple of hours when I get there so they know I'm safe. I told them that I would be with Charlotte the entire time and they sounded less worried considering they met Charlotte the day of my contract signing. My parents told me everything that they had been getting up to recently, it was nice that they weren't just asking questions about me for once. I spent the rest of the day chatting to them as I wouldn't have any time to speak with them from tomorrow onwards until my day off which would be Tuesday next week.

That night I had salad for dinner and went on a walk as I was oddly full of energy probably from the nerves and needed to burn it off so I got a good night rest. I walked for about an hour before returning back to my apartment. I had a decaf green tea as it calms me down and makes me sleepy. I put on my blue light glasses and scrolled through tiktok before bed. I got a text from Zak making sure I was ready for tomorrow and that I was 110% positive about going and I replied with a 'Yes! I'm ready for this.' to which he replied with a thumbs up. I was nervous as it was my first Grand Prix and I was travelling for the first time without my parents but even though it's recent this has been a dream that I'm now finally getting to live.

I took more sips of my green tea to try to get more sleepier, I put my phone down and went to the bathroom and put some hot water on my face and did my skin care routine. My skin wasn't the best, sometimes my face was clear sometimes I'd get a bit of acne, at the moment it has been doing better since I started having a routine of cleaning my face the correct way. After doing my skin care routine I grabbed my empty mug which had the green tea in and placed it in the dishwasher, I had a glass of almost freezing water and headed to bed. I put my phone on charge so I had a full battery in the morning and took my glasses off and slowly dozed off to sleep. 

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