3. Preparations

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A few days after the call with Zak we agreed Wednesday would be the best day to sign the contract. "Now when signing any contract you need to look presentable." Mum told me so Tuesday night we went shopping and picked out a sensible dress.

In the morning I had a shower and dried my hair, I decided to keep it straight as it looks better than curly. After getting dressed we got in the car, mum and dad in the front and me in the back my heart was racing it felt like the longest car journey of my life. We agreed to get a lawyer as it was a more professional way to go and it will confirm my choices with McLaren.

Zak told me to call him 10 minutes before we get to the McLaren technology centre so he can allow us in, he told me that he would answer my call as it was business. When we got there Zak was standing by the barriers, he got in the back of the car and told my mum where to park. We got out and Zak told us the lawyer is in his office. I took a good first look at the technology centre and felt my heart race even more. When I walked in I was next to Zak whilst my parents follow close behind. Staff welcomed me with hellos and smiles, we took the lift up to the second floor to Zak's office I walked in and saw a well suited man sitting with a briefcase. He got up and offered his hand "Hello y/n my name is Jack Kenny, I will be your lawyer for today." I shook his hand and said hello.

We sat at a table near his desk which he uses for meetings. Zak pulled out about 10 pages worth of paper, all with lots of tiny writing on it. Jack, my lawyer sat reading through it explaining to me and my parents the stuff I will be doing with McLaren, the terms and conditions, privacy, etc. After about two hours of going through the contract page for page, my parents asked me "Are you sure this is what you want." I nodded my head aggressively with a proud smile. Zak passed me the fountain pen and I scribbled my signature onto the dotted line. "Lovely." Zak said clapping his hands together once. "Right what you're going to do now is one of our members of staff is going to take you downstairs and take your measurements to get you McLaren uniform for when you join." Zak said. I nodded my head. My parents looked at me proud as if I were a chick leaving the nest. "Right I best be off then, It was lovely meeting you y/n." Jack said.
"Likewise." I replied with a smile. Jack left the room, Zak was sitting at his desk emailing a member of staff.

10 minutes later a woman with short pale blonde hair knocked on the door, she had a welcoming smile and I could tell she was nice. "Ahh, you're here." Zak says. "y/n this is Charlotte she will help you with the measurements." Zak says with a smile.
"Hello, it's lovely to meet you y/n." Charlotte says nicely.
"It's lovely to meet you too Charlotte." I say with a smile. I get up and leave with Charlotte and say goodbye to Zak, my parents decide to go back to the car. As we walk downstairs Charlotte tells me about everything about her job at McLaren and how she loves it. As we walk around the building I notice a boy. Well he's a man but he looks young. "Charlotte?" I ask.
"Who's that?" I nod my head in the direction of the boy.
"Haha funny joke." She laughs.
"I'm not joking." I laugh nervously.
"You're serious?" She asks I nod my head. "That's Lando Norris, He's a F1 Driver and I'm his communications manager. y/n I'm surprised you don't know who he is." She says with a slight worried look on her face. "I watch formula 1 but I watch the drivers with their helmets on." I say.
"Oh fair enough." She chuckles. "Would you like to meet him?" She asks. For some reason my eyes couldn't leave his body, his brown hair perfectly put in place, his smile causes butterflies in my stomach. "Y/n?" Charlotte asks, I snap out of my thoughts.
"Oh um no it's ok." I say nervously.
"Oh I see what's going on here." Charlotte says with a giggle. "You like him." Charlotte laughs.
"WHAT NO." I say slightly exaggerating and laughing.
"Yeah you dooooo." Charlotte says trying to wind me up.
"You know what you're so right." I say with sarcasm, I can tell Charlotte and I are going to be friends. Suddenly a voice that was quite posh spoke, "Hey Charlotte and um..." I turned to see Lando speaking. "Hey Lando this is y/n she's the girl that won the apprenticeship." Charlotte says. "Hello." I say nervously.
"Hi." Lando says with a cheeky laugh and a big grin. "You're not here just for me are you?" He asks me. "Lando be quiet and she's not." Charlotte says in my defence.
"I'm just kidding." He laughs. Charlotte - 1, Lando - 0, "Sorry I got to run, got to go on the sim." He says and waves bye, Charlotte and I both say goodbye and head to do my measurements.

After doing measurements, Charlotte takes me outside to the car park. "So you'll get an email next week about when you can move into the apartment, then you'll get a key for it sent to your house and once you've moved in, your uniform and key card will be sent to you, you will need to wear your uniform everyday in the centre and have your key card on you at all times, it will be nice seeing you around y/n if you ever need anything you can always ask me." Charlotte says with a smile. I thank her and get in the car and go home.

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