34. Pre season testing Pt3

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"Well thank you Karun for that, I'm joined by Y/n Y/l/n and if you're watching this and you don't know who Y/n is, she won the McLaren apprenticeship in the summer of last year and according to Zak Brown, Y/n is thriving at McLaren. So Y/n what have you done so far at McLaren?" Natalie asked. "So I started at McLaren in September and went to my first grand prix at Zandvoort, which was amazing I enjoyed every second being there. Then I spent a few months at The McLaren Technology Centre, learning all about F1 and cars, I took a test in December to test my knowledge and now I'm Lando's assistant." I replied confidently.
"Wow that sounds amazing, I saw a video of you and Lando on a stream together you guys seem to have a really good friendship." Natalie said.
"Yeah, Lando's a lovely guy, he made me feel so welcome at McLaren. People think Lando's just a pretty boy trying to keep a good reputation and he's not like that, he's a genuinely lovely person, he can be immature sometimes but no he's a truly amazing guy." I smiled meaning everything I said.

Lando's POV
"Hey look it's y/n." A voice shouted over the pits, I turned around to look at the screen. Natalie started to ask questions about our friendship which made me worry. I waited for her response 'Yeah, Lando's a lovely guy, he made me feel so welcome at McLaren. People think Lando's just a pretty boy trying to keep a good reputation and he's not like that, he's a genuinely lovely person, he can be immature sometimes but no he's a truly amazing guy.' She spoke, a smile covered my face. "Aww, best fwends." Loads of people said in the pits, I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Shut up." I laughed continuing to watch the screen. 

Y/n's POV
"So what's your favourite thing about Formula 1 so far?" Natalie asked, I had a long hard think to myself. "Hmm, probably the travel, It's my first time travelling and even though I've only been to Zandvoort and here, Barcelona, I love it, exploring the world doing something you love is just amazing." I said.
"What would you say is the worst thing so far?"
"Probably taking care of Lando, no I'm kidding he's not that bad, um well formula 1 is a dangerous sport and I'm lucky that I haven't witnessed anything too bad yet but I'd say the worst thing in formula 1 is the crashes, I never want to see any of those 20 drivers get hurt and I understand it's going to happen but it's just the bad side of formula 1." I replied.
"Yeah I'm with you on that one, ok final question, What do you plan on doing after your apprenticeship?" 
"So I'm currently being taught how to be a PR Manager and hopefully after my two years I will be able to become a PR manager or I will continue doing something else at McLaren." 
"Ok well thank you so much for being here y/n it's been a pleasure, Karun it's back to you." Natalie smiled. The cameras cut, Natalie said well done and a thank you again before I left. 

"See that wasn't bad." Charlotte said stopping recording. 
"Yeah I was so nervous though." I replied.
"You did so well and you answered all the questions well, track walk is in 5 minutes so we need to head to the pits."

Charlotte and I walked into the pits, I heard little shouts "best fwends." From some of the mechanics and giggles. "Ignore them, they're being annoying." Lando said.
"Why? What happened?" I asked.
"We saw you're interview and now they're trying to piss me off." Lando said.
"Oh ok." I said.
"I don't think we would be able to talk on track walk, there's so much I need to do..."
"No I understand, we can talk about it later. What about at Lunch, sound good?" I asked.
"Yeah." He smiled. We walked out to the track with about 20 other mechanics, talking to Lando about what they want him to do each lap. I walked along with Charlotte and Jon in front of Lando. "Hey wanna race?" I grinned at Jon.
"Ok, gooooo." He said starting to run off, I began to run behind him.
"Hey I wasn't ready!" I shouted laughing. 

Lando's POV
Whilst one of the engineers, Jose was talking to me, I looked up and saw Jon and Y/n racing each other. My eyes began to narrow and a frown appeared on my face "Lando are you listening?" Jose asked. "Sorry got lost in thought." I said, Jose repeated what he said before and this time I listen but it was hard, I kept getting distracted. Once Jose finished talking to me I called Jon over to try and separate him and Y/n, not that it bothered me cause it didn't.

"Hey what do you want?" Jon asked out of breath from racing Y/n.
"I need you to tell me what gears to be on here." I said.
"Didn't Jose just tell you?" Jon asked. I looked over to Jose who had his thumbs pinching the top of his nose shaking his head. I looked over to Y/n who was talking to Charlotte about something. "Oh I get it, don't worry Jose, Lando is just kidding." Jon said pulling me aside. "Are you seriously getting jealous?" Jon laughed.
"No I'm not." I denied it. 
"Um yeah Lando you are, mate i'm almost twice her age. You should really listen to Jose though you keep getting distracted, it's not good for you or her." Jon said attempting to help.
"Fine but it's not my fault she's here." I whined.
"It's not her fault either, you're the one getting distracted." Jon said. What side is he even on, he's known me over 3 years and her for not even a year? After track walk we headed to lunch, I sat with Y/n it being just us two. 

Y/n's POV
I was nervous for this conversation but we couldn't avoid it any longer...

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