42. Bahrain Pt3

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Y/n's POV
I walked back in with George just talking about some random things, I noticed Lando staring at us, I went to sit back next to him. "Are you ok?" I asked him.
"Yeah just making sure your ok." He smiled.
"I'm fine, I'll tell you what happened later." I smiled. We spent a lot of time talking to the drivers, until it was time to head back to the Motorhome. Lando had a big meeting with his engineers that I wasn't allowed to attend, there was no need for me too anyway, I sat talking to Charlotte about Media day tomorrow, she said she'd join me for the one meeting in the afternoon and one on Saturday but then after that, I'd be on my own with her checking in from time to time. 

After the meeting was done, I brought Lando his dinner from the kitchen in the motorhome, and we sat and ate. We talked about all things non formula one, he wasn't a fan of talking about driving when he had a break and I don't blame him. After dinner he had one final meeting, it was with Zak and Andreas and this time I joined. Zak checked to see how I was doing and then talked to Lando about the plans for the rest of the week, I made a note of all things he needed to do and Lando listened pretty well. The meeting was an hour long and it was starting to get dark outside, Lando had the choice of going back to the hotel or staying in the motorhome, but I knew his preference would be the hotel. 

Lando drove us back to the hotel which was quick, we headed upstairs to our rooms and said goodnight. I struggled to sleep, it was hot and outside the streets were noisy, I stepped onto the balcony and sat down and admired the night sky. I looked down at my watch that said 2:03am, I walked back inside and took some sleeping pills for nights like these. I lied on my bed and I don't remember when I fell asleep. 

Three loud bangs woke me up "Y/n are you awake we are going to be late." Lando's voice echoed through the door of the hotel room. Fuck I was late. I quickly threw my clothes on and brushed my hair, I still looked half asleep. I rushed out the door and bumped into someone causing me to fall to the ground, I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the figure staring down at me. The light was too bright to tell who it was. "You know running can be dangerous when not paying attention to your surroundings." Lando's familiar voice spoke, I groaned, He held out his hand and pulled me up. "Why are you late?" He asked. 
"I could sleep well last night so I took some sleeping pills and well lets just say I overslept." I said walking beside him. 
"Not like you, how come you couldn't sleep?" 
"It was just hot, the AC wasn't working and it was so loud outside." I said stepping into the elevator. 
"Yeah same, I called them about it, you have to pay for the AC, so at 12 last night I paid for it." 
"Why couldn't they tell us before." I groaned. 
"Because they want us to beg to be cold." He chuckled. 

Once we arrived at the track loads of fans asked Lando for photos and autographs whilst I stayed glued to him like his personal lamb. Some fans asked slightly inappropriate questions which Charlotte warned me about, to which I nudged him to tell him not to reply. He was pretty good and treated me as if I were Charlotte and didn't argue with me once. Many fans asked him about his relationship with Lilli and to be fair I didn't need to tell him not to reply because I knew he wasn't going to anyway. After a couple hours attending to fans needs we headed to the motorhome for some lunch. Lando and Jon had some private discussion to talk about so I sat on my own and called my parents to check in. 

Lando's POV
I sat with Jon, he had some discussions about Lilli which meant Y/n couldn't be here. I sat down with the chicken salad wrap placed in front of me. "So we need to talk about this Lilli situation." 
"I'm aware, Jon I don't want to date her. I'm basically using her." 
"Lando, I think people know that something is happening between you and y/n. So we have to do something about it and the only conclusion is Lilli." Jon said.
"Mate, you think so technically you don't know also happened not happening. Nothing has happened since New Years." 
"Ok but you still like y/n." He said.
"No I don't" I said with uncertainty. 
"Lando, I know you're lying." 
"Fine I do but I can put my feelings aside and so can she." I said slightly angry. 
"Look just date Lilli until November next year." Jon said, what the fuck.
"No way not that long you said a couple months. That's a whole year and a half." 
"I know, but y/n needs to get a full time place here after her apprenticeship and she will unlikely get it being in a relationship with you. If you two go secret, I want nothing to do with it and I don't even want to know about it, I'm not risking my job here, for your petty romance." Jon said.
"Calm down, I'm 22 I want to focus on myself and with Lilli being in the picture that can be hard."
"Fine, why don't we make a deal, you date Lilli from next month until y/n turns 18 in November." Jon said. I spent a few moments thinking about it until I finally agreed. "Can I tell her?" I asked Jon. 
"Who, Lilli or Y/n?"
"Y/n." I replied. I wanted to tell her, she meant a lot to me and I know this would hurt her and I wanted to know. "Umm fine, but don't expect her to react in a good way." Jon replied.

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