18. Surprise!

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I had a new teacher for when Jon was at the GP's his name was Randy he was nice and taught me loads. It's been two months since the Dutch GP and there was loads of speculation about Lando and I, I've seen about 50 tiktoks of girls saying that they think Lando has a girlfriend because there was a picture of him and I in a taxi, these girls think too much. They need to give the poor boy some space and leave his private life alone and be happy for him. Every time Lando was at work the same time as me I did everything in my power to stay away from him even if that meant running. He messaged a couple times making sure I was ok to which I replied with a simple I'm fine. I wanted my focus and attention to be based on my upcoming test, I really want to go to some more GP's and it would be good to see George again, I hate to say it but I text him everyday and I also call my parents a lot more now and George was right, it definitely helps. So far in my lessons, Jon is teaching me Formula one and Randy is teaching both but is teaching more sports cars than f1 cars. I had a few practice tests which went well and I think that I will be fine for the actual test. It was 3 days until Lando's 22nd birthday and the team wanted to do a huge surprise party at the technology centre for him, Me and about 20 other people sat in a meeting room planning his birthday party, as much as I wanted to avoid him it was his birthday so I had to do something special for him.

"Ok Charlotte, you will be on organising the hall downstairs, pick who will help you. Y/n you will be on distraction duty, you need to do everything in your power to distract Lando, I will text you when we are ready. Jon, you can pick the cake and design it, I will buy anything that needs to be bought, for example, banners, etc. Ok everyone know what they're doing?" Zak asked, everyone nodded. As everyone left I asked Zak "Hey Zak is it cool if I invite some of Lando's friends? It would mean a lot to him if they're there."
"Yeah that's fine can you just let me know who." 
"So I was thinking, Max Fewtrell, Tom Bale, George Russell and Carlos Sainz." 
"Y/n it doesn't look good having Lando's opponents being here, as much as I love Carlos, I'm not sure and I didn't realise George and Lando were so close."
"Please, if anyone asks we tell them Carlos and George are here for Lando's birthday only."
"Ok fine." Zak smiled. 

I went home and sent out the invites, luckily Max, Tom, Carlos and George could come. I wanted to get Lando a present that means something to him that he could keep not eat. About an hour into searching for a gift I found the perfect gift. I was a bracelet that you could customise I decided to get him a number 4 with Norris embroidered into it, the total came to £350 but it was worth it, I got next day delivery making sure it'd come on time. 

Lando's Birthday
I woke up early and messaged Lando to meet at the car park of the technology centre. When I got there he smiled when he saw me. "I haven't seen you in a while." 
"Yeah I've been busy, come with me I need to talk with you." I said grabbing Lando's hand, we walked around the edges of the lake of the technology centre and sat down. "I have something for you." I said pulling out a small box with his bracelet inside. 
"What's this, are you trying to propose?" He said smiling.
"No it's a happy birthday present from me to you." He opened the box and happiness filled his eyes. "I love it." He said putting it on. "Come here." He said pulling me into a hug. 
"Happy 22nd birthday Lando." I smiled hugging him back. Shortly after I got a text from Zak telling me that everything is ready and to bring Lando to the hall of the technology centre. "There's another surprise for you." I smiled.
"Oh no what is it now?" He smirked.
"Follow me." I said grabbing his hand holding it tightly. 

As we approached the hall I told him to shut his eyes, I stood behind him and used my hands as his blindfold, he giggled. We slowly walked in, I whispered "You can open your eyes now." I took my hands away from his face. "Surprise!" Everyone shouted, a massive smile grew from Lando's face. There was a cake on the table in the middle of the hall that was lit, it was in the shape of a milk bottle with Lando's signature LN on it, everyone sung happy birthday and he blew out the candles. As he blew out the candles, Carlos ran in, "LANDOOOOOOOO" He shouted, giving Lando a hug. I walked over to George whilst Lando talked to Carlos. "Hey!" I smiled.
"Hey Y/n!" George said pulling me in for a hug. "Him and Carlos have the best friendship."
"More of a bromance." I laughed. 
"So how come you invited me?" 
"Well you and Lando have been friends for years and having been racing against each other for a long time so that's why and I didn't want to be standing on my own." 
"Ohh so you did it more for you then for Lando. I mean I like hanging around you anyway." 
"I agree to disagree with you on that first point but I like having you around too, you're a great friend George." I smiled. I spent most of the party hanging around with George as the party finished George left and Lando offered to give me a ride as Zak still had some work he needed to complete. 

"Thank you." 
"For what?" I asked.
"For the bracelet, the party and inviting my friends. Zak told me it was your idea inviting my friends and it's nice to see them." 
"No worries birthday boy."
"I may be paranoid but I kind of feel like you're trying to avoid me and y/n it bothers me." I sighed. "You're right, I have been. I'm sorry Lando but I work with you and I can't help but feel something for you, I don't want my feelings to interfere with work."

Lando POV:
I know the way she felt about me and I can't help but feel it too. Worst part is, she's perfect, everything  want in a girl, I like hanging out with her and when she avoids me it makes me feel worthless. 

I pulled up to the apartment, she started to take off her seat belt. "Wait." I said stopping her from leaving. "I feel it too and I shouldn't, I like you, I hate it when you hang around George, I get jealous." 
"Lando I-" I lent over and I kissed her, I fucking kissed her. It lasted a total of 5 seconds before we pulled away. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." 
"Oh um thanks for the ride." She replied shocked quickly getting out the car. She must think I'm some fucking idiot kissing her what was I thinking. I quickly drove off and headed home.


Ok so I either messed up the dates or it was because the calendar changed, I thought Lando didn't have a race on his birthday but he does, so let's just act like he doesn't lol, sorry :)

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