19. Well that's awkward

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Y/n's POV
What the fuck just happened? I stood outside my apartment building shocked. Lando Norris just kissed me. It felt right like kissing a soul mate, ugh what was I thinking I could tell from the moment my lips left his, he had instant regret. Was it illegal? No but it felt it. I headed upstairs with my head in more knots than one. I felt like I was living in a dream, maybe I should pinch myself to see if I wake up. I put everything down and fell onto my bed.

Lando's POV
I got home and walked in to see Max and Tom watching the TV, I sat on the sofa besides them. "What's going on mate you look sick, too much birthday cake?" Max joked.
"I kissed her."
"Who?" Both Max and Tom jolted up.
"Y/n. I took her home and I kissed her."
"Dude what were you thinking? She's like 16 and you work with her." Max replied.
"I know." I put my hands to my face.
"What did she do?" Tom asked.
"She just said thanks for the ride and left." 
"Well you've either been rejected or she's confused." Tom said.
"I don't know guys, I hate to say it but it felt right." 
"On no dude, you can't."
"You don't think I don't know that." I said frustrated.
"Unless you and her went private." Tom suggested.
"Mate why are you influencing this." Max said.
"Because love is love and if they love each other they should go for it." 
"Tom you are not helping." Max said.
"I'm gonna go to bed I can't deal with this." I walked upstairs and went to bed. 

Y/n's POV
It had been a few days since Lando kissed me and I did everything to avoid him and I could tell he did everything to avoid me. When we saw each other we both walked in the opposite direction. It was 2 days until my birthday, November 18th I turn 17 and I'm super excited, my parents are going to visit, luckily lando won't be here he will be at the next GP for media day. There was a meeting in the board room to which I had to attend, I walked in, to see Zak, Lando, Jon and Charlotte sitting at the egg shaped table. "Hello Y/n!" Zak said. 
"Hello!" I smiled, wondering what the meeting was about. Lando and I made eye contact which was awkward. "So, we are here to discuss your upcoming tests and what you will be doing if you pass them." Zak said to me.
"I don't mean to be rude but why is Lando here?" I asked.
"You will find out that in a minute, both of you, Lando doesn't even know what's happening." Zak said. "Oh ok." I replied.
"So if you pass your tests, we are going to put you as Lando's personal assistant for when he's at the technology centre. This will mean you will have to get him anything he needs and set up what he will do, for example, his gym sessions, etc. You will also get a pay rise of £400 to £600, we think this would be good for both of you as you get along really well" Zak smiled.  
"From teaching Y/n her progress is really good." Jon said.
"Thank you." I smiled. Everyone was dismissed from the short meeting, as I was leaving I got a pat on the back, I turned to see Lando. "Please can we talk later?" He asked.
"Yeah sure, here or somewhere?" I asked.
"I'll text you later." He said walking off, I nodded and left. Even though I didn't want to it was important we talked about what happened, it can't be awkward anymore. 

A few hours passed and I got a text from Lando to meet him at the private field back to when we had our picnic. It was about a 20 minute walk from my apartment so it wasn't far. As I approached the empty field I saw Lando sitting on the grass, It was silent, no noise for miles. "Hey." I said sitting down.
"Hey, so um I'm just gonna say this." He didn't let me talk. "I like you but as friends." Ouch friend zoned. "It's ok I understand. Friends..." I said with an awkward smile. 

We talked for a couple hours and it seemed like nothing had happened, the kiss was completely forgotten. Lando gave me a ride home, I decided I wasn't going to avoid Lando any longer as we are friends, I can ignore my feelings for him, I think... 

I made myself pasta bake for my dinner and it was delicious, I called my parents to catch up with them and they seemed happy which was good. Quickly after I called George, "Hey!" 
"Hey y/n, what's up?" 
"Nothing just wanted to see how you were doing." 
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Good, well actually confused."
"What about?" 
"Well a few days ago, Lando and I kinda had a moment we kissed-"
"Wait what, how am I only finding out about this now?"
"Well I was just confused anyway, we spoke about the kiss today and he literally friend zoned me, even though HE kissed ME, ugh this is so stressful."
"Woah woah woah, let me get this straight, Lando kissed you A FEW DAYS AGO, you didn't think to tell me and he friend zoned you?"
"Yup." I sighed.
"That sounds tough."
"It is." I whined.
"You should've told me, but Lando made the right decision friend zoning you. You both work together and the age gap is a bit too big, maybe wait until you're like 20."
"I don't wanna wait that long." We spoke a little bit longer before hanging up and heading to bed. 

Lando's POV
It's Y/n's birthday soon and I need to get her something, to be honest I wasn't good at giving gifts and I'm not sure what she likes. After thinking for what felt like years, I got her what most girls love, perfume and necklace. The necklace was a butterfly with small diamonds on it and the perfume was Black Opium, I hope she likes it. I got them sent to her apartment, already gifted so she knew what they were. Soon after sorting y/n's birthday out I decided to go to bed.


Hey everyone so if stuff seems a little off in the story it's because, basically in this chapter before I edited it, Lando and Y/n started to date but I changed my mind it's too early and it seems weird to do it now, so sorry about that, I finished chapter 21 before deciding that I don't like them so I have changed them.

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