56. Finale...

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I carried on walking as tears fell down my face. "Y/n please can we talk?" Lando said.
"Talk? About what? How my boyfriend just broke up with me cause he found out that I was still so stupidly in love with you." I looked at him, he looked kind of shocked, I just admitted I loved him. I fucked up, once again. I walked into the toilets at the club going to clean up my face when Lando followed me in and stood in front of me, I went to walk past him he stopped me. "I'm so fucking tired of hiding. Hiding the truth, my feelings and the girl I really want." He said grabbing my face in his palms. 

I was about to say something when his kissed me. This wasn't like our previous kisses this had something that was missing before, it had love. We kissed for a while my heart thumping through my chest. Once he broke the kiss he said "I love you too." He mumbled with his forehead resting against mine. The door of the toilets swung open Lilli walked in Lando and I held each others hands and looked at her. "What the fuck is going on here? And what the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend?" Lilli screamed.
"I'm not your boyfriend anymore Lilli. I have a new girlfriend and she's standing right next to me." Lando said and kissed me. I WAS OFFICALLY HIS GIRLFRIEND. 
"What the fuck! I'm going to tell daddy! He will end you." Lilli screamed.
"The only person who can end me is Y/n but hopefully not right now." He winked at me. Lilli screamed again then ran out of the room. From that moment on I was now Lando's girlfriend.

A lot of things happened that night and I was no longer a virgin ;) I didn't sleep the entire night and that made it clear. I was his and he was mine. 



I kinda fucked up this cause I forgot that Y/n's birthday was like the 18th or something of November and that's when Abu Dhabi is. Anyway kind of just forget it and make it up lol. 

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