12. Dutch Grand Prix, Friday Pt1

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Lando left the hotel early with Jon and Charlotte and I had a wonder through town before heading to the circuit, I may of bought a few things. Today was first practice day and a busy day. I spent the morning with Charlotte in the paddock, I watched fp1 in the pits, which wasn't hugely interesting there was a red flag that delayed the practice by 37 minutes, Sebastian Vettle unfortunately had engine problems, at the end of practice Lando was P11. Once fp1 was done Lando had a couple press conferences which Charlotte had to go to with him so I stayed in the lounge area of the motorhome. 

Jon came in and sat down next to me, "I'm sorry I kinda had a go at you with Lando for wondering off. It's just been busy recently and sometimes it can become frustrating."
"It's fine, you're just doing your job." I said with a smile.
"Thanks, I've heard some of the drivers talking about you, a few of them have a crush on you." "Oh is that so? Tell me which drivers?" I ask, Jon laughs.
"Well according to my friend at Williams, George has been non stop talking about you and I saw Charles Leclerc definitely checking you out." Jon said.
"Haha boys are funny and inappropriate." I said.
"You're right about that. I recommend trying not to get into anything with the drivers or even anyone here, it can cause problems but you can if you want too, just be cautious. Most of the young drivers can be more than inappropriate when it comes to women, especially the drivers who are single." Jon said.
"I will take your advice." I smile.
"Alright, well I'm off, oh speaking of the devil, George looks like he's looking for you through the tinted glass." Jon laughs walking off. I laugh turning my head towards the tinted glass to see George up close to the glass like a child looking at the sweets in a shop. I walk outside "What are you doing?"
"Ahh!" George screamed like a girl. "You scared me."
"I scared you? You were looking in the glass like some weirdo." I said laughing.
"Well I was looking for you."
"Hmm, so you're like a stalker?"
"What no! I just wanted to talk to you." George says trying really hard to defend himself.
"I was just kidding chill out." I say walking down the slope of the motorhome. "So what do you want to talk about?"
"Lets walk and talk." George says nodding his head in the direction down the paddock. We start to walk slow "I just finished all my conferences." He says.
"Cool, did you see Lando?" I asked.
"Yeah he just started them so he's going to be a while. So what in Formula One are you looking to do?"
"I want to do social media, like posting photos of McLaren or I want to be a PR manager."
"Ahh cool, you know if you ever get fed up at McLaren you can always join Williams and be my PR manager." He winked.
"Nice one Romeo, that the best pick up line you got?" I asked.
"I can do better if you want me too?"
"I'm good thanks." I laughed. We chatted some more before we got interrupted by the sweet blue eyes of a boy I would do the honour of marrying. "What you guys talking about?" Lando asked with a not happy look on his face. "Nothing." George said knowing it would piss Lando off. "Mr Russell here is trying to convince me to leave McLaren to join Williams to be his PR Manager." "Since when do you call George, Mr Russell, that's our thing." Lando said bothered.
"Oh I didn't realise that well..." I turn to George. "You're going back to George now." I say.
"Well at least you call me by my first name." George said to me trying to annoy Lando.
"Leave her alone George, she's 16." Lando said, confusion crossed George's face.
"You're 16?" George asked I nodded my head. "I thought you were 20. No offence." Well that's the problem looking much older than you are. "None taken." I said. George rushed off back to the Williams motorhome. "Does it bother you when I speak to other people that aren't you?" I asked Lando. "No I don't get bothered when you speak to Charlotte or Zak."
"Ok well then if I speak to the drivers, does that bother you, cause when I speak to George you look at him kinda like how a dad would." I said.
"Ok fine it does bother me, most of the drivers other than the old ones are horny fucks and all they want to do is fuck and I don't want you getting attached to them and hurt."
"I won't get hurt and trust me, I'm not interested in George." I say, Lando sighs of relief.
"Are you going to watch fp2 in the pits?"
"Yeah, Charlotte is going to tell me where to stand and what to pay attention too." I said.
"Ahh ok, you better be cheering me on and not Daniel."
"Nah actually I was hoping to cheer George on." I said with a smirk, Lando's smile went to a frown. "Too soon?" I said, he nodded. "Well I can turn that frown upside down. Come with me."

We walked back to the motorhome and I grabbed my bag from upstairs and pulled out a packet of 8 stroopwafels. Lando's smile reached his eyes, that contagious smile. "When did you get these?! And how did you know?!" Lando squealed.
"Well you left with Jon this morning and Charlotte and I went into town and I saw them and remembered watching a video on my tiktok about your obsession with stroopwafels and milk."
"Well I'm happy now and I forgive you about that little comment you made earlier." He smiled and took a bite out of one.

After Lando ate one of his stroopwafels he went and got changed whilst I waited in the lounge area of the motorhome. Once he finished getting changed we went out and met some of the other drivers, we went into a room that were for drivers and guests only, me being one of those guests. It was quite a big room with a PlayStation 4 in it for the drivers to play games if they get bored. The drivers really should be working on their strategies for fp2 but they need a bit of time to chill out. Lando and I sat on a sofa with Charles, Carlos Sainz and George sitting on the opposite sofa, Max Verstappen and Yuki Tsunoda were playing Fifa whilst Pierre Gasly watched. Charles was asking loads of questions about me and my love life which as of right now is non-existent. I saw Carlos annoying Lando by winking at Lando as if to say, are you finally getting a girlfriend, to which Lando respond with an eye roll and shaking his head. "I'm going to get a drink be right back." Lando says pointing to the water fountain across the room.
"Yeah me too." Carlos says getting up. George didn't say a word, he didn't even look at me, like he was angry that I was too young for him. Max and Yuki were shouting at Fifa and Pierre was laughing, Charles got called into the Ferrari motorhome to talk tactics so he left. I looked over to Lando and Carlos, to see them pushing and shoving each other and laughing. 

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