53. Monaco Pt4

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I opened Lando's door and he was in there. "I was told to come here." I said. 
"I know, there's a surprise for you." He said but not with excitement. 
"Lando is something wrong, you've seemed off all weekend." I said.
"I think you know what the surprise is." I gulped. I'm pretty sure I knew. "Please don't do it." 
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because you don't love him." He said.
"I don't but I will. Lando please don't do this. Not today. It's been a good day." I said.
"Ok, I'm sorry. Here's your first clue. 'The team I used to race will be the garage you need to face.'" Lando said. 
"Ok, that's Williams." I said leaving. Lando didn't follow me. I walked into the Williams garage to see Charles and Charlotte. "Hello Y/n. We have your next clue 'We met here the first time I saw you cry.' Good luck." Charles said. The private room only for guests and drivers, it was the first time I opened up to anyone on the track about how lonely I felt. I walked into the private room to see max, who gave me the next clue, I went to a few of the other drivers before finally stopping at Alex. "Your final clue 'We met here when I first met you, I even flirted with you.'" Alex said. 
"That's Zandvoort. I can't go there." I laughed.
"He thought you might say that, another clue, it's not the country it's the place." Alex said. The track. I walked onto the track petals, candles and George in a suit stood at the finish line. Just him. I tried to stop blushing but nothing worked. No one had ever been this nice to me and I was about to cry but just managed to hold it in. I walked along the petals in my red dress, that candles were the only thing lighting the track. It was dark but I could still see George. I smiled and he held out his hand and I took his. "You look stunning." He said.
"You don't look too bad yourself." I laughed, he laughed and took a deep breath.
"Y/n when I met you, I instantly fell for you. I was jealous of Lando to be able to see you everyday and then you forgave me when I shut you out. I've liked you since the day I met you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I hesitated thinking about what Lando said and it was repeating. I pushed the memory out of my head. Lando would not ruin this for me. I nodded. "Yes." I smiled. He kissed me, more passionate than ever. I heard screams and whistles, then the lights turned on. The McLaren and Mercedes teams were in the grandstands and I looked behind me to see all the drivers, except one, Lando. "A lot of people were in on this tonight, even Zak agreed to help." George said. I smiled and thanked him by kissing him once more. We spent the evening having a lovely dinner and both going back to our hotel rooms, as much as I wanted to spend the night with George, we were both tired. I got changed into my pj's when I heard a knock at the door, I was hoping for George but once I opened it, Lando stood there he looked sad.

"Hey Lando, do you need something?" I asked.
"I'm guessing by the cheers and whistles I heard, you said yes?" He asked, I didn't say anything, I just nodded. "Why?" He asked.
"He treats me right and I really like him." I said.
"So what? I don't treat you right?" 
"Lando... I liked you. You knew and still pushed me away. I'm giving George a chance like I did for you. Look you have a girlfriend and I'm not arguing with you about this."
"I'm not trying to argue, I'm trying to understand. I'm not moving just to be more independent. I'm moving to get you out of my head. I thought moving would be good for me, but I think it will hurt."
"Lando, I don't know what I can say. You had a chance, you fucked up. Please this hurts me too, but distance will be good. For the both of us." I said. Today had been a good day, I know Lando always cared for me but whatever this was, had to stop. I now have a boyfriend, who cares about me. My feelings for Lando had to go. 

We didn't say anything else except goodbye. I didn't get any sleep that night, my mind was filled with emotions that I couldn't control, happiness, anger, sadness. The streets of Monaco weren't exactly quiet either. Lando and I got separate flights home, I waited and got the same flight as George, we spent every moment together, from the airport of Monaco to Heathrow, where we both went back to our homes. 

I spent a few days with George before he had to fly out to Baku. I spent loads of time at the MTC, I took loads of videos and made loads of ideas for what the social media team could do for tiktok and youtube. I went to Silverstone a lot seeing new drivers compete to become apart of the academy for Williams and McLaren. When George got back from Baku, my parents were begging me to let them meet so we all went out for dinner and George got my dads approval, although my father wasn't a fan on the age gap but he saw how happy I was. 

Once I got home, George stayed with me and I got a letter with a pair of keys in them. 

'Dear Y/n,
I have finally moved out of my house, I'm sorry for the way we left things, I'm really happy for you and George. I need someone to take care of it whilst I'm gone. I don't mind if you want to live there. There's only storage boxes in there and beds. It's up to you. 
Yours truly,

"What's that?" George asked.
"Lando wants me to take care of his house whilst he's in Monaco. He said I can live there if I like." I smiled. 
"That's nice of him. What else does it say?" He asked.
"Nothing important." I smiled. I didn't want George to know we had a fight, otherwise it would make an old situation worse. 

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