28. Oh shit

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I turned to see Lando had fallen from the counter. I rushed over, he grunted in pain, "Are you ok?! I told you to get down." I said checking him for injuries. 
"I'm fine." He grunted, I went over to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack and placed it on the back of his head where it hurt most. The 'gathering' hadn't even been on for an hour and Lando was drunk and fallen over, I took him upstairs to his room and sat him down on the bed, everyone stayed downstairs and continued to party. He looked down to the floor, I grabbed his cheek and looked at the back of his head, luckily there were no signs of blood. "Lando maybe we should go to the hospital to get you checked out to make sure you're ok." I suggested.
"No I want to stay here." He demanded, I couldn't force him to do something he didn't want to do. "You know for a shy guy, you're quite the risk-taker." I giggled.
"I know." He looked at me and winked. 
"Don't do that." 
"Do what?" He grinned mischievously.
"Wink and that laugh." 
"Why not?"
"Because..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I looked up to him gazing at me, just him looking at me made me nervous, I took in a deep breath, his eyes moved from my eyes to my lips then followed by trailing them down my body. He grabbed one of my hands and intertwined it with his, he ran his thumb up and down my knuckles sending a shiver down my spine. I gazed back at him "I can't do this anymore." He said.
"Do what-" and before you know it he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was passionate this time, hell it wasn't even a kiss, it was better. He placed one arm at the bottom of my back almost touching my bum, he removed his hand from mine, placing it on my cheek. He pulled me on top of him, I wrapped one arm around his neck and ran my other hand through his hair tugging from time to time. Suddenly the taste of vodka hit me and my head started to pull back into reality, I pulled away and shook my head. "Lando, you're drunk and we can't do this, you're probably not thinking straight." I said with our foreheads still touching.
"I'm sober enough to know what I want though." He said.
"No Lando, this can't happen, we've spoke about this. We are friends, we work together, our age." I rambled on, Lando just sat and watched, the best thing for me to do now was leave. 

I rushed out the house and walked home, it was cold and dark and I was confused. As I got into my apartment I shut the door and leaned my back against it falling to the floor in confusion. "Alexa, play All I Need by Lloyd." I said with a heavy breath.
"Alright playing All I Need by Lloyd." 

'Oh shit oh shit... get up on it... I'm so horny...' The speakers blasted, this song literally reminded me of what had just happened with Lando. "OK OK Alexa stop!" I raised my voice the song finally stopping. I suddenly got a call from Molly "Hey where the fuc-ck are y-ou?" She slurred.
"Oh I um went home, I was tired." I stuttered.
"You didn't look tired pulling Lando upstairs? Oh my golly?! Did you guys have sex?" She giggled mischievously. "No." I replied quickly.
"Well something definitely happened for you to say no like that." She slurred sounding more drunk by the second. "Nothing did, I have my driving tests tomorrow and I don't want to be tired, do you need me to come back to walk you home to mine?" I asked.
"Nope but thanks, I think Max and I are going to do it tonight." She giggled.
"Molly, that's probably not a good idea, you're not sober..." 
"Boohoo, since when have you become such a mum..." She whined before hanging up on me. 

The problem with Molly is she could read me like a book, she knows something happened. She knows I didn't have sex but she knows something sexual happened between Lando and I. To be honest if I didn't taste the vodka and if Lando was sober, I would've gone further but I didn't. My parents have always taught me never to take advantage of a person drunk or sober and never let a person take advantage of me. I decided to go to bed to make sure that I was ready for tomorrow.

I woke up early and went for a run to burn off my nerves which helped a tiny bit. Once I got home from my run I had a shower and got changed into a white tight fit crop top with high waisted skinny jeans and put on a pair of air force 1's. I left my hair down and curled it making it wavy and put on some natural makeup to look presentable for the rest of the day. I ignored my phone for the whole morning and only allowed call from my parents and Zak, for obvious reasons. I had a smoothie bowl for breakfast before heading to the theory test centre, there was no one else in the testing area except me. Nerves built all up my spine answering each question slowly checking they are the correct one. Once I finished I walked up to the reception "Hi, how will I know if I passed?" I asked the lady.
"I can tell you now..." She paused for a few seconds. "Yes you passed, here is your certificate number, you will need this for your practical test." She smiled.
"Thank you." I said before walking away.

For lunch I went to a local cafe and had a pastry filled with chocolate, it was delicious. I called my parents and told them I passed my theory and they were proud of me. I met my driving instructor a few minutes away from my house, she was a woman, early 50s and seemed lovely. "Hello sweetie, I need to check to make sure you are who you say you are then we can get ready to go!" She smiled. She asked me a few questions about my date of birth, where I was born, etc. 

The test went surprisingly well, I drove extremely safe, checking my mirrors, using my indicators, using the correct gear. The one part of my test I wasn't looking forward too was the emergency stop, which could happen at any time during the test. Luckily she gave me a warning about it towards the end and it went better than expected. I pulled up to where we met at the beginning of the test, she looked down of her piece of paper checking everything. "Congratulations you passed!" She smiled, I sighed in relief. "Now all you need to do if pay for insurance and tax on your car and you can start driving when you like! You will be sent your drivers licence card in a couple weeks time." She said, I thanked her for being so nice and understanding before leaving the car.

I rushed back to my apartment and called my parents, they congratulated me and helped me set up the car tax and insurance and it was expensive! I could now officially drive! I forgot that I put most of my notifications on mute and once I turned them back on, well lets just say it didn't go well...

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