2. Should I stay or should I go?

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It's been about 4 days since I applied for the apprenticeship and it hasn't really been on my mind as I'm not expecting it. I'm hanging out with my best friend, Molly, we didn't go to the same high school but we are neighbours, now I know I said before I don't need friends to survive but I meant for high school not for life. Molly and I spent a few hours walking around town talking about the normal things that you would normally talk about, boys, college, boys. Molly has got a boyfriend and you could say they've done everything a couple could do and well me? I have done nothing with a boy, not even hug. Even though I've never been in a relationship I'm like a pro at giving relationship advice and I always give Molly relationship advice even when she doesn't need it. After hours of walking and talking we both went home, I went to my house and she went to hers.

When I got in mum was making dinner and dad he was watching the news, I said hello and walked up to my room. I sat on my chair and completed homework that was needed for college. After about half an hour into doing college work I got a call from an unknown number, I was confused and decided to answer. "Hello is this y/n y/l/n?" An joyful american voice said through the phone. It sounded like an a person from an american advert was talking.
"Um yes...yes it is, please may I ask who is calling?" I replied.
"Hello y/n it's Zak Brown here, CEO of McLaren." He said. Oh. My. Gosh. I was panicking and my insides were twisting. "Oh um hello Mr brown." I laughed nervously.
"Haha call me Zak, I understand you applied for an apprenticeship with McLaren, is that correct?" He asked.
"Yes it is." I replied.
"Well y/n I'm here to tell you it's your lucky day and you've won the apprenticeship with us. First I need your full confirmation that you are going to do this then I will give you more info and details." He said. I was so happy yet so nervous, is this even real? Am I dreaming?
"Um... I'm sorry to ask this as you're probably really busy is it ok if I check with my parents first?" I asked nervously.
"Yes that's fine, why don't I call you back in half an hour?" He asked I agreed and hung up.

I sprinted downstairs like Usain Bolt and told my parents. At first it was obvious they didn't believe me but they eventually did. My dad was now resilient to me going as he didn't believe I would get it and my mum was unsure. After what felt like forever they finally obliged. Zak called again and I decided to put him on speaker in front of my parents and made him aware that he was. "Right so I'm going to give you details about the whole thing and afterwards I need to make sure you want to do this." He said, me and my parents agreed. "Right so some point this week we will need you to come in to sign the contract, if you want you can have a lawyer present. You will start September 6th, you will come into the technology centre and get a full tour, we can't give you a tour this week as I'm not available any other time this week except for the contract signing and I'd rather give it to you to make you feel more welcome. Hospitality, so you will be given an apartment it's more like a penthouse, you won't need to pay a penny for, You will be delivered groceries of your choosing to your apartment once a week. Now the apartment you will be staying at is on my way to the technology centre so I will pick you up and take you there, if I cannot somebody else will until you turn 17 when you can take lessons which will be provided by a member of staff until you pass. For your first month at McLaren you will be learning everything you need to know. After that month you will be able to do little jobs which may be moving stuff, getting stuff for the drivers. Now Formula 1, you may depending on your first few months be able to go to some Grand Prix's but it depends on the amount of effort you put in. Now if you do go to a GP abroad the cost of the flight and hotels will be covered. This apprenticeship should hopefully get you working in the pits in someway by the end of your two year period. Now any questions?" He asks. My dad is quick to ask the first question.
"Will there be a possibility to get discounted Grand Prix tickets." He laughs. Zak laughs down the phone. "Yes, we unfortunately can't give you free tickets but discounted ones will be available."
"How many hours will y/n be working?" My mum asks.
"She will be working full time so around 35 hours." Zak replies. "I almost forgot, y/n will be earning around £400 a week" I was shocked that was a lot of money. "So what do you say? If you have anymore questions ask them on your contract signing day or use this number to text me. I recommend not calling me as it's unlikely that I will pick up." My parents look at each other and come to a clear agreement and nod at me. "Yes I accept this opportunity." I said proudly.
"You need to sign the contract first but I'll give you the early welcome, y/n welcome to McLaren." Zak says. I thank him and hang up, my parents start to jump around in happiness for me. "Ugh we are going to miss you so much!" My mum says.
"I haven't left yet, I still have two months until I leave." I giggle hugging them.
"I know but you're our baby." Mum says.

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