44. Bahrain Pt5

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Ok SO THERE IS A WARNING IN THIS CHAPTER, IT All of a sudden gets spicy. (NO SEX) but there are scenes of touching kind of idk in this, obviously not from Lando. Beware of just words and stuff. {} it is the paragraph with those symbols on it. 

Why?" I said.
"I did something bad... there was speculation about you and I dating and Jon wanted people to stop talking so he asked me to date Lilli to stop the talking. I don't even like her and I agreed to it." He blurted it all out. 


"Please say something." He said. I removed my hand from his arm.
"Why. Lando you're basically going to use her." But that wasn't what I was upset about, he was going to date her, kiss her, maybe even fuck her. "I know, I don't want too."
"Are you two going to do stuff?" I tried to be subtle, him being stressed faded and a smirk grew on his face. "Yep everything." He said confidently.
"Oh." I said. 
"I'm just kidding, most I'd do is kiss her on the cheek." He said, but something was telling me he was lying. I forced a chuckle, "So what does that mean for us? You know hanging out? It's just George isn't even allowed to hang out with me cause of his PR manager and now you..." I looked to the floor. The thing was... I was scared... scared of being lonely and when I'm with Lando, I don't feel lonely but when we were barely speaking not even speaking to George could help how lonely I felt. "Well I'll have to speak to Lilli about it, she's going to have to accept our friendship one way or another." He smiled, which made me feel a little better. 

"So what's it like being my comms manager?" He asked.
"It's fun, I get to boss you around all day and can tell you what you can and can't say." I smiled, he laughed in response. We spent ages talking about the rest of the season and what we have been doing in our free time, to no surprise Lando had been doing golf with Max and met up a couple times with Carlos and played a few games with him. Our conversations were starting to feel like old times, but without the sexual tension...

Part of me wanted things to go back to how they were but another part of me knew it was wrong. We spent hours chatting and before you knew it, we both had to go to sleep to get ready for the practice sessions tomorrow. I left his room and walk next door to mine, got ready for bed. I made a small phone call to my parents and to Molly making sure they were all ok and told them about the weekend, my parents sounded like they missed me and Molly, well she missed Max, they hadn't seen each other a lot recently. 

The sun beamed through the windows of my hotel room making me rub my eyes to open them. There was a small breeze coming from the large open window, it was cooler than yesterday. I sat up from my bed and checked the time, I still had 15 minutes until I had to start getting ready and I was bored...

{I was going to try something I had never tried before. I placed my phone down on the table next to me and slid my hands down my neck and ran them down my stomach to the waistband of my pj bottoms. I closed my eyes and pushed my hand underneath the bottoms into my underwear. My breathing hitched and became heavy as I got closer. As I began to touch myself I let out a quick gasp, I moved my two fingers in a circular motion. I let out a small moan and my fingers went faster and I started to become wet, my mouth was open from the sudden pleasure I was feeling.} (NAH WTAF WAS I THINKING IM SORRY #CRINGEFEST)

All of a sudden a loud three bangs came from my door. Crap. I quickly removed my hand got out of bed and ran towards the door and let it open. I saw Lando at the door with a small smirk on his face. "Enjoying yourself?" He smirked again, what? Fuck! He knew.
"Err, I don't know what you're talking about?" I tried to sound confused. 
"Can I come in?" He asked. I moved over and let him in and shut the door. "Just to let you know the walls are paper thin. But I didn't hear anything." He winked. 
"Oh. How come I can't hear you snore." I joked.
"Maybe because you moan louder than I snore, not that I heard you of course." He laughed. 
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone. Anyway do you do that often?" He asked. I looked to the floor, I was embarrassed. One that he heard me and two that it was my first time.
"Um... well... no."
"Oh ok." The conversation suddenly went awkward.  "Well I was coming to ask you if you wanted to go for a run? I know you like going on them so I thought I'd ask. Plus we're actually not needed for another hour. " 
"Yeah sure, can you give me 10 minutes to get ready?" I asked, he nodded and left the room. 

I got ready and met Lando downstairs. He looked at me like what happened 10 minutes ago didn't happen. That was something I respected him for, privacy. I knew he wouldn't tell anyone, that's why I trusted him. The run was quiet we barely spoke but it wasn't the awkward kind of quiet it was the normal. Lando was much fitter than me, physically, as he worked out almost every day, but didn't go too hard on me. Once we got back to the hotel, some of Lando's fans were queuing for him so we took the side entrance into the hotel. We each went to our rooms, had a shower to wash off the sweat and get ready for the practice day. 


sorry if I traumatised you, i also traumatised myself in the process ;) and sorry for not posting in a while :)

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