57. Epilogue

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Lando and I kept our relationship as a private but not secret relationship, although it didn't take Lando's fangirls that long to figure out it was me. I got a few girls claiming Lando was theirs but I just ignored them. Why? Because he's mine. 

George met a lovely woman called Carmen and I could tell he loved her and they began to date and I was happy for him. Everything between us was forgiven a few months after he met Carmen. 

Once my apprenticeship ended, I didn't stay with McLaren, I became a communications manager for Carlin F2 racing which went well. Three years later, Charlotte became chief of communications and she made me Lando's comms manager which didn't help because I practically let Lando miss press conferences just so we could make out in his hospitality in the motorhome.

A year after that I moved in with Lando and he proposed when we were on holiday in the Maldives to which I said yes. Max and Molly had an on and off relationship but finally Max proposed a year after Lando proposed to me. 

Lando and I had 2 children a boy, Noah and a girl, Sophia to which they are both learning to kart and Lando made them learn in his own personalised kart. Lando won a lot of races and did he win a WDC? Well you'll just have to wait and see won't you ;)

Once Lando retired we moved back to the UK and I stayed at McLaren for a few years before leaving myself. Now all we do is love each other and live life like everyday is our last.


Ok so I take Media A Level at the moment and we are learning about Fanfictions and me and my friend were pissing ourselves because I wrote this on Lando. We were also laughing about that fact Splunk is a sponsor for McLaren considering it sounds like spunk. So here's an extra scene me and my best friend Ella came up with. CAUTION: Major Cringeworthy. 

3 years into the relationship

Lando and I are currently at a hotel in Baku, he just got 1st place and is 13 points behind Carlos in the WDC, putting him in second place. The door to the bathroom clicks open, a half naked Lando stalks towards me. He smirks "Y/n, I want you to make me Splunk on my junk." I blinked at him before a massive laugh erupted from my throat causing me to wheeze. "Oh gosh!" I breathed. "You wish." He looked at me with disbelief. 
"What why not! I just won today." He whined. 
"Because you're going to win again today?" I giggled. 
"With amazing sex?" He smirked. 
"No with this." I threw the object at him. He grabbed it and stared at it for a second, then looked at me. "Your lying." He said suspiciously. 
"I am not." 
"Ahhhh." He grabbed me and lifted me in the air then giving kisses all over my face before kissing my stomach, he walked outside to the balcony and screamed "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" 

Lmao that ending was kind of cringe I know that maybe Y/n and Lando deserved more of an ending but to be perfectly honest I genuinely couldn't think of anything else to write. Anyway, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me through this. I know I'm not the best at uploads but I really enjoyed making this. I'm sorry for the lack of love ;) in this but I feel wrong making sex scenes about real people. If you liked this story please share, it would be greatly apricated, I also just released my new story, The Forbidden Fruit (21.01.23) which is a lot spicier than this one. However, unfortunately it is not Formula One based, it is based off a teacher x student/ dad's best friend storyline, so if that interests you go check it out! If you have read ACOTAR, I have just release a fanfic chapter on Nesta and Rhysand, it's if they spent the night together, it's full of angry smut and obviously them arguing the entire time, so if that interests you, it's only 1,500 words so it won't take long to read! 

Anyway, I love you all, and thank you. Over and out <3

- LandoNorris04

Omg it's been exactly 2 years since I finished this and I'm at 127k reads! Thank you all so much, I appreciate you so much! I never thought I'd be here, wow! Thank you again :)

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