47. Bahrain Pt8

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"No we are spending some time together." I said. 
"So it's a date?" Lilli said, I looked at Lando who looked annoyed.
"Let's just leave them alone." Lando said, leaving the table. Lilli snickered at us and left following Lando.
"I'm sorry about Lando, George." I said.
"It's ok, but did you tell him we were here?" George asked.
"No but I accidently told him that we were hanging out, I'm sorry. He must have seen your story or it was just a coincidence." I said.
"It's ok." He smiled. 

Once dinner was finished he walked me back to the hotel I was staying at, we walked through the back roads avoiding the press. I hugged him goodbye and thanked him for dinner and went up to my room. An hour later I got a knock on my door, I opened it and saw Lando. "What do you want?" I said pissed off. 
"To apologise." He said, I let him into my room. "I'm sorry for showing up, to be honest I don't know why I did."
"Lando you completely ruined the night, mainly by bringing Lilli along." I said.
"I'm sorry if I had known you were on a date I wouldn't have come." He said.
"It wasn't a date Lando." I said. 
"It wasn't?" He sounded shocked.
"No, but it kind of turned into one. To be honest I don't even know." I sighed.
"Oh ok, so you two are what?" 
"Talking..."I hesistated. Something with George didn't feel the same as it did with Lando, with Lando there was excitement, butterflies, trust, he didn't in anyway make me feel uncomfortable, but with George saying it's awkward between us would be an understatement. 
"Oh ok well I'm happy for you." He smiled.
"Thanks, and I'm happy for you." I smiled back. I went back to my room and headed to bed, what a day. 

I barely spoke to Lando the next day, only about press conferences. Fp3 was normal, just testing making sure everything is ok with the car and quali got Lando P6 start from the grid tomorrow. George and I had moments where we'd quickly talk to each other but we were so busy the talks weren't long. 

Zak pulled me to the side after quali, "Hey Y/n, so we have an opportunity for you tomorrow, I spoke to the FIA and if you want you can wave the checkered flag at the end of the race, they don't normally allow anyone working in F1 to do this, but you can if you want to." 
"Yes please, thank you Zak." 

I did the press conferences with Lando before heading back to the hotel. Lando had to stay at the track as he had a few more meetings. It was only 4pm and I was tired so I had a few hours sleep before waking up to have some dinner. I met Lando and Jon downstairs in the restaurant of the hotel. We spoke a little about tomorrows race and Lando's plans on where he wanted to place tomorrow. It felt awkward speaking to Lando after I told him about George, like he seemed closed off. 

Once I had dinner I went upstairs to call my parents. "Hey mum." I said over the phone.
"Hello sweetie, how's it in Bahrain?" She asked.
"Hot, I like it here."
"We really miss you." Mum said, once she said it, I felt guilty and began to cry. I felt like I had left my parents behind for a dream life. "I'm sorry mum, I miss you too." I said trying to hide the fact I was crying. 
"Oh sweetie what's wrong?" She asked.
"I miss home, I miss you guys." 
"You can come see us soon." She said but soon wasn't good enough I wanted to go home now. It took just a call to realise the amount I miss everything.
"Ok well I have to go to bed, I love you both." I said before hanging up, wiping away my tears, a small knock came from the door.

I opened the door to see Lando looking at me with sympathy. "Are you ok? I heard you crying." He said. I let him in and shut the door behind him.
"Yeah, I just miss my parents, this isn't the first time this has happened." I said. He didn't say anything, he just hugged me and all the emotions I had bottled up, I just let out. Once I finished crying, I thanked him.
"You don't need to thank me, Y/n. It was just a hug."
"Well a hug goes a long way and it made me feel better." I smiled.

We stared at each other, I didn't know what I was thinking, I kissed him and immediately pulled away and gasped. "Oh fuck I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I apologised.
"It's ok, you're very emotional right now, no one thinks straight when they have emotions running throughout them like a rollercoaster." He smiled. "But I have to go, you know race and everything tomorrow." He said leaving. 

I spent the majority of the night awake thinking what the fuck I just did. I felt guilty for multiple things. Kissing Lando was just one of them. 


I'm sorry this wasn't very long, I have kind of ran out of ideas for this book, so it may have a few things that I planned before taken out of it. I planned on doing a few more races, but I feel like I would just repeat what I am saying and it will get boring. I want to thank everyone for being patient and following along with this story, it means a lot! Love you all <3 

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