41. Bahrain Pt2

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I got out from the car and stayed with him the whole time to make sure he didn't say anything inappropriate and to be fair he was good. Seeing him with fans made me wonder if it makes him anxious, he barely talked to fans a lot. He'd say simple hello's and thank you's but didn't really talk to fans like a driver should. 

As he was finishing up with his fans we headed into the hotel, I collected our hotel keys and headed upstairs. We had a room next to each other on the top floor, Jon and Charlotte were on the floor below. In the room there was a king size bed and en suite the size of a kitchen, a mini bar and a balcony overlooking the track. I stood outside and took a breath of fresh air and relaxed closing my eyes, letting the breeze flow through my hair. This apprenticeship was hard, constantly under pressure, everything had to be to perfection in Formula One from drivers performance to pit crew performance. 

"Ehem." A fake cough interrupted my thoughts, I turned to my right to see Lando on the other side of the balcony, a railing in between us. "Like your room?" He asked.
"Yep, do you like yours?" I asked, He nodded.
"I'm going to meet some of the guys on the track, wanna come?" He asked.
"Yeah sure, who's going to be there?" I asked.
"Carlos, Charles, Max, Seb, Mick, Daniel, Yuki, Pierre and George." He said, I immediately agreed I needed to talk to George about why he didn't tell me that he left pre season testing.

As we got into the paddock we headed to the private room reserved for drivers and guests only, it looked exactly like the one is Zandvoort but much bigger. Everyone except Mick and Seb who were playing football together, was sat on the sofas around the room. Carlos, Charles, Daniel and George were talking whilst the others sat on their phones. "Hello ladies." Lando said, everyone turned and said hello back. I was greeted with many hellos from all the drivers except one, George. I sat next to Lando on one of the free sofas, I looked over to George who was sat twiddling his thumbs, Lando looked at me and realised I was looking at George. "What's wrong with you?" Lando asked George, his head shot up from his thumbs to Lando.
"Oh nothing." George said.
"Clearly it's not nothing, we are here for you, tell us what's wrong." Lando replied.
"Nothing just leave it Lando." George said harshly.
"Can we go outside and talk? Not about this, about something else." I said to George. He took a few moments to think about it before finally agreeing. We stood outside in the boiling sun and George looked at me waiting for me to say something. "I get we aren't best friends but why didn't you tell me you went home after pre season testing?" I asked, he stood for a few moments silent and sighed. 
"I wasn't allowed too. I've got a new PR manager and she saw the news about you and I, she doesn't even want me being around you. I was going to tell you but now they have my phone on surveillance, she literally goes through my texts and DMs to make sure my rep is good. I understand it's her job but it's also her job to keep her butt out of my private life." George said, the last bit made me chuckle a bit, but he wasn't wrong. Charlotte taught me I wasn't to look at Lando's phone without permission or if I thought he was harming himself. "Oh ok, does that me we can't hang out together anymore." 
"Of course we can as long as we stay away from the press." George smiled. 

Lando POV
As George and Y/n left the room, Carlos didn't hesitate to ask me about Lilli. "So what's going on with you and Lilli? Are you guys dating or what?" Carlos asked rubbing his hands together.
"We aren't but we are talking." I replied, I was lying. The truth is, Jon wanted us to date for a few months to get the suspicions about Y/n and I out of the way, people had been talking and it wasn't good for either myself or Y/n. I agreed to it, but Lilli and I haven't known each other long enough for us to 'date'. Lilli thinks I'm interested in her but I'm not, don't get me wrong she's attractive but she wants the the fame, not me and I'm not the type to use a person to clear my own name but at least Lilli will get a little bit of fame as being known as my first public girlfriend. Jon has put a set date of when I will ask her out, he has yet to put when I can break up with her but I'm sure it won't be too long. 
"Good on you Lando." Charles said. 
"Thanks mate." I smiled. Carlos looked at me suspicious like he knew I was hiding something, I quickly changed the subject "Where is George and Y/n, they've been taking a long time to just talk?" 
"Ahh my friend, cannot spend more than five minutes without his little bestfriend." Carlos said to annoy me, I rolled my eyes. "I just need to make sure she's ok, George seemed upset." I said.
"No need to wait any longer, they're back." Charles said. I looked over to Y/n and George who were laughing, at least whatever happened between them has been cleared, I just hope he's not getting too close to her, not that I care or anything, I just don't want him to hurt her, she's young and fragile. Ok maybe I care a little bit...


Yeah so I haven't had any time to write on here so I'm slowly falling behind so sorry about that. 

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