5. Molly

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My first night was kind of hard, I kept waking up throughout the night. After a rough night it was 8am and Molly was expecting to be here for 2pm so I decided to go for a run. I put in my airpods and got going, runs always make me feel better, I feel refreshed after them. When I got back I got a text from Molly telling me she was leaving and on her way here. I had a shower and got ready for when Molly got here. Whilst I was waiting I watched loads of youtube about Formula 1 to help me get an idea of the life I could have after these two years. I got a text from Molly at 12 telling me her second train is delayed by 45 minutes meaning she won't get here until around 3. I got a text from an unknown number 'Hey wanna go out for lunch?'
'Who is this?'
'Lando, omg is this not y/n?'
'It is, you scared me I thought this was some stalker how did you get my number?'
'Zak gave it to me, he gives me everyone's number, you're young so I need to make sure you're ok.'
'Ok fine where shall we meet?'
'I'll pick you up in 10.'
'Ok see you then.' I replied. I was wearing sweats so I had to get changed, I put on a white crop top with high waisted jeans and did my makeup. After getting ready I walked downstairs to see Lando sitting in his orange McLaren on his phone, I opened the passenger door and sat in the seat. "I was about to text you." He said with his smile.
"Well I'm here now." I smiled, he laughed and started to drive. "So where we going?" I asked.
"You'll see." He said. After 15 minutes we pulled up to field, we got out and Lando grabbed a bag filled with food, I grabbed the blanket. "I'm taking you for a picnic due to the press, if people see us together and they will make assumptions and it won't be good so we're here it's private and no one knows about it." He said.
"That's ok, I don't like being watched anyway." I said.
"Well you're different from a lot of people." He said. As we start to walk to where we are going to eat Lando seems to be confused. "Hey look you're really nice but I don't want you thinking this is a date cause you know working together, you being your age, it would be inappropriate." He said. "No I totally understand I see this as you welcoming me to McLaren." I said, he smiled as a response that we are on the same page about this. We sat and Lando got out small snacks and we ate, we talked about how difficult he found it in his first year of Formula 1 and I told him the things I would be doing this year. After about an hour Lando took me home we spent the drive home talking about how molly was going to stay with me to keep me company. As we approached the apartment I could tell Lando had no interest in dating a colleague as he wants to keep his work life separate from his private life, I got out from the car and said goodbye and thanked him for the picnic.

When I got to my apartment I walked in to see molly standing with her bags "Surprise! I thought I'd come early." She said.
"It's 1:15 you were supposed to be here at 3 and how did you get in?" I said laughing and hugging her. "Well I wanted to come early as a surprise and your mum gave me the spare one just in case you weren't in. It looks nice here so where's my room for the time I'm here?" She said. "First door on the left." I point down the small hallway in the apartment. She takes her bags and places them in the spare room. She came out with a plastic bag that was clinking. "What's in that?" I laugh. She looks mischievous and puts the bag on the kitchen Island and pulls out 5 bottles of vodka, 2 bottles of champagne and 4 bottles of dark fruit cider courtesy of her boyfriend who is 18. "Why did you bring that, you know I don't drink." I said. I don't drink for one reason and one reason only, it never ends well, I know that it's illegal for me to drink but trust me kids my age do it all the time. The last time I had alcohol, I confessed to the boy I had a crush on that I loved him, it was so embarrassing then he rejected me so X2 for embarrassment then I threw up everywhere, let me just times the embarrassment by a thousand. "Yeah I know but when you do drink you're like extra fun." She said. "Hey you know what I'll miss most?" She asked."What?" I asked.
"Our fun little golf sessions we had up the golf course with our dads." She said. I love golf, when we played together it made my day feel more relaxed than ever, then I had an idea. "Why don't we go play golf?" I suggested.
"Yes yes and yes." Molly said with excitement. Molly chose the golf course and I booked us in for tomorrow in the later evening, luckily I brought my golf equipment for when dad will come visit so Molly can just borrow that. We decided to spend the rest of the day as a chill day and sit and watch tv and talk about random stuff. When it got to the evening we decided to get takeout as I couldn't be asked to cook. After chatting for hours, I had a shower and went to bed, Molly stayed up a little longer and facetimed her boyfriend. I managed to sleep better than I did yesterday but I still missed my parents. 

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