37. Pre season testing Pt6

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After dinner I headed to bed to get a good night sleep ready for tomorrow's testing. Throughout the night I kept getting flashbacks from Lando and Lilli and it was haunting my sleep. I woke up and saw the time 2am, I had a dry throat so decided to go downstairs to the restaurant and get some water. As I was walking up the stairs back to my room, Lilli stood in front of me, stopping me from getting past her. "Hello." I said calmly.
"Hmm, I have to make this clear. Lando may tell me that nothing is going on between you two but I can see past his bullshit, leave him alone, he's mine, understand?" She said with an accent.
"Well what you call his 'bullshit' is actually true, I'm Lando's assistant nothing more and I heard the most important thing in a relationship is trust and the fact you think he's lying could suggest it's not a healthy relationship." I said with a fake smile, pushing past her. "Bye now." I smiled pressing my key against my door. 

Suddenly I heard the door behind me open, "Lilli what are you doing here?" Lando asked. 
"I came to see you." She smiled.
"At 2 o'clock in the morning?" I asked.
"Lilli, Lando has to sleep couldn't you just leave him alone?" I said.
"What is going on here?" Lando groaned rubbing his eyes. 
"Your girlfriend is telling me to leave you alone, which isn't possible due to the fact I'm your assistant." I told him.
"Lilli, I've been telling you nothing is happening and she's not my girlfriend." Lando said. "Please go back to your hotel." Lando told her.
"Well I thought I could stay with you?" She smiled at him.
"You can't. I'm not allowed people in my room." He said, well that's the second time he's lied to her, considering we were together at Zandvoort. "Well can I kiss you goodbye?" She asked pouting. "Um, I'm not really in the mood." Lando said quickly looking at me. 
"OK FINE THEN." She said storming off. I looked over to Lando who just shook his head. 
"Are you ok, Mr Norris?" I asked trying to make him feel better, a small smile arrived on his face.
"You haven't called me that in ages." He smiled.
"Yeah but I know it makes you feel better." I smiled.
"Yeah I'm ok, I'd just wish she'd trust me." Lando said.
"But Mr Norris, she isn't exactly wrong." Wow I was actually defending her.
"I know but what went on between us is gone now." Lando said, ouch that hurt.
"Goodnight Miss Y/l/n." He smiled.
"Goodnight Mr Norris." I smiled shutting my door. 

I fell asleep quickly after and the nightmares stopped. Once I woke up I felt shattered* after last night little brawl with Lilli, I had a shower to wake me up, dried my hair and got ready. There was no rush to get to track but I decided to get there early just to understand the track more. I had a walk around the paddock and it was empty and quiet, I walked into the McLaren motorhome and walked upstairs, Zak was in his office area, "I didn't realise you were in here, Morning Zak." I smiled. "Yeah I like to be here early, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Getting in the experience whilst it lasts." I smiled.
"Ah fair enough, oh and y/n I have no right to talk about your love life..." My heart sunk what was he going to say next? "But I thought you said George was a friend." Huh.
"He is, what are you talking about?" I laughed nervously.
"Haven't you seen the news?" Zak asked, I shook my head. "Well if you get a chance look at it. I reckon it's the press making a story into something it isn't." Zak said. I said goodbye and left, I walked downstairs and grabbed a coffee and looked at the news.

Oh. Shit.

Fans had taken photos of George and I with our arms around each other and him kissing my forehead. The headline was fucking worse 'McLaren apprentice seen cuddling up to Formula 1 driver, George Russell, is she giving inside info to George?' What the fuck is that headline? Jeez didn't realise two people who cuddle aren't friends they're something more? Ugh fucking press.

I sat for a bit longer looking through social media and got a text from Molly. 'Omg are you and George Russell shagging*? ;)' 
'Good morning Molly and no, we're friends.' I replied.
'Sure didn't look like that in the photo.'
'Ugh, I'm working I'll text you later.' I text her before turning off my phone. 

Zak took me to the pit wall and decided I could help by making sure everything looked ok with Lando's car and the speed's he was going. Lando started driving at extreme speeds making it dangerous "Zak he's going too fast he needs to slow down." I told him.
"Jose can you tell Lando he needs to slow down." Zak radioed over to the pit crew.
"Ok passing that message on." Jose said. I heard Lando over the radio.
"But I'm fine, I can still control the car." He whined, I was so close to pressing the button to radio him to tell him to stop whining. "Lando it's too dangerous." Jose said, Lando continued to ignore him. "Can I?" I said to Zak asking him to push the button. 
"Yeah, let me let Jose know." Zak said, he radioed Jose and told him. "Go on then, no swearing." I pressed the button. "Lando Norris, you are putting your life and the cars life at risk please slow down, it s dangerous and you're becoming too confident." I said with slight anger in my voice.  heard him sigh through the radio, "Fine." He said slowing down. I thanked him before letting go of the button. 

After the first testing session, Lando got a bit of a telling off from a few of the pit members for going too fast, I don't blame them, he was being dangerous. I spent a whole hour looking for George who was nowhere to be found, I ended up asking someone in Mercedes. "Hi have you seen George anywhere?" I asked.
"Yeah he left like an hour ago." 
"Oh where did he go?"
"He got on a flight home." They responded.



Shattered = tired
Shagging = Having sex

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