26. Christmas

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I went upstairs to check my phone to see a missed call from George. I called him back waiting for him to answer. "Hey Y/n." George said down the phone.
"Hey!" I chuckled.
"Love the present definitely going to put that pillow case on a pillow." He laughed.
"You should it would look great." 
"No but really thank you y/n and Merry Christmas." George said.
"You're welcome, Merry Christmas George." I said before hanging up. 

I spent most of the afternoon playing monopoly with my parents, it took forever to finish mainly cause mum was cooking the roast for dinner. "Woohoo, I won." Dad shouted with joy, he didn't but I didn't want to ruin his happiness, it is Christmas after all! Molly and her dad soon came over for dinner, like most households on Christmas it was a turkey roast and it smelt delicious. Molly and I stayed in the lounge and gossiped whilst our parents were in the kitchen talking about boring stuff. "So what's happening with you and Lando?" Molly asked mischievously.
"Nothing, we're friends that's it." Molly glared at me raising one eyebrow.
"Oh come on, I've known you since like forever and that cannot be friendship."
"Well Lando and I agreed to only friendship after the kiss." Molly gasped, oh shit I hadn't told her about the kiss. "YOU TWO KISSED?!" Molly shouted, I covered my hand over her mouth and put a finger to my lips telling her to shut up, I slowly released my hand from her mouth. "Yes and it was impulsive and reckless and it shouldn't of happened." 
"No way!! Eek, you two are going to have such cute kids." Molly squealed. 
"No Molly we are friends, I mean I like him and his fluffy hair, and that smile..." I started to get lost in thought. "Hmm you have a crush on him." Molly smiled, I scoffed.
"No I don't." I said with slight sarcasm. 
"Yeah you do and who made the move?" 
"Lando did and I didn't pull away, well we both did after quite a few seconds." 
"Well then he likes you two, I see the way you two look at each other, you're both so blindsided by love right now it's actually amusing." 
"Love? No. Friends who possibly like each other more than friendship? Yes." Oh shit did I just say that out loud, I smacked my hand against my mouth and gasped. 
"Ha now you just admitted it and I'm going to play cupid from now onward." Molly laughed with an evil tone, I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah I forgot, I kinda don't have a place to stay tomorrow when I'm with Max so..." 
"Oh yeah I'll call Lando and ask if it's cool if you can stay at his with Max." I smiled.
"What no? I wanna stay at yours." She whined.
"Not if your playing cupid your not." I grinned.
"Ugh fine ask Lando then."
"You're really not going to stop playing cupid?"
"Nope." She responded. I text Lando asking and he said it was fine and thanked me for his present. "Lando said it's fine for you to stay at his." 
"Oh ok that's good." She said nervously.
"Hey are you ok? You look kinda nervous." 
"Yeah I'm fine, it's just this will be my first night with Max and I'm nervous." 
"It will be ok, you've spent the night at a boy's house before and not to be rude but you've had sex before, not that you and Max will have sex it's just..."
"Yeah but it's different, Max is good and kind and what if he doesn't like the way I sleep or what if I snore?" 
"Molly everyone snores, even I do but I can't help it, I'm sleeping." I laughed. 
"You're right." Molly smiled. 

After chatting about Max and Lando for a while, dinner was ready, so Molly and I headed to the dinner table. "So y/n I heard your apprenticeship is going well." Molly's dad Craig said.
"Yeah it is, I'm really enjoying myself." I smiled.
"Definitely looks like it from that nice new car you have outside." Craig replied.
"Yep." Craig was a hard man to talk to, he wasn't hugely talkative with me but he was with my dad. Mine and Molly's dad are great friends and we always used to play golf with them up until I left, Now it's only our dads, Molly refuses to play with them without me it just doesn't feel right for her. Mum and dad brought our plates out and we all sat and began to eat, Molly and I were allowed one glass of prosecco but mum said I can have more when they leave. 

I helped mum clear up our plates after dinner before getting the figgy pudding ready for dessert, we made sure everyone wanted it and some ice cream on the side, it was a definite yes from everyone. 

After dinner and dessert I was absolutely stuffed, I felt like the female version of Father Christmas, Molly and Craig left soon after and my parents and I sat down in the lounge watching the Grinch. "Why did Molly scream, saying that you kissed someone?" Mum asked, I gulped.
"Oh you heard that?" I laughed nervously.
"Yeah so who is it? A boy or maybe a girl, you know we are here for you no matter what you're going through." Mum said.
"Mum, it's a boy, so I'm seeing someone." I lied, oops.
"Well I'd love to meet him." Mum smiled.
"Oh no there's really no need, we aren't dating." I said awkwardly.
"There is, tell him that I will come say hello to him when you go back to Woking." 
"Don't push her darling, if she doesn't want you to meet him then don't." My dad couldn't sound anymore British, I rarely hear him say 'Darling'. 
"Ugh fine." My mum shrugged it off, I sighed with relief. My parents couldn't know that I kissed Lando they'd kill me for getting close to someone his age, I don't like to lie to my parents but we've all done it before, now they're expecting a boyfriend next time I come to see them. After watching tonnes of movies I went to bed, Christmas day is actually quite tiring even when you don't do much. 


Sorry for being inactive just been really busy lately :)

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