Chapter Two

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Seokjin cast his eyes downwards, playing with his duvet. "Prince Taehyung...carried me here?" he asks hesitantly after Hyeon finishes telling him what happened.

She nods enthusiastically, "He set you down on your bed and demanded I go fetch the physician. He was so worried. When I came back with the physician, he was sitting by the bed holding your hand like this." To demonstrate, Hyeon grabs Seokjin's hand, clutching it with both of her hands.

A pretty pink dust Seokjin's cheeks as delight roamed his heart. "Really?" he asks shyly, holding back a smile.

Hyeon smiles widely, "I never knew His Royal Highness could be such a romantic."

This time Seokjin can't help it as a smile grace his lips. 'I never knew either,' he thinks.

As Hyeon leaves the room to bring Seokjin breakfast, Seokjin's reminded of why he fainted. The nobles' rude remarks float back to him. 'He's not as handsome as they praise him to be. His personality's bland as well. I can't believe His Royal Highness got married to him.'

Seokjin's somewhat used to people's rudeness and impoliteness, growing up with so many people judging him. However, these comments hurt more than Seokjin wishes they would. He doesn't want to be deemed unfit for Prince Taehyung.

A knock resounds on Seokjin's door. "Come in," he calls out. The door opens and a breakfast tray peeks in first before the head of the carrier. Seokjin bows his head. It is second nature by now.

"You don't have to bow to me. You're unwell," the crown prince tells him as he brings the breakfast tray to Seokjin.

"I'm not terribly sick," Seokjin says. "Besides, no matter what condition I'm in, I'm to always respect you."

Prince Taehyung doesn't say anything, making Seokjin worry he said something wrong. But then he breaks into a polite and gentle smile, "Aren't you older than me? Shouldn't I be the one respecting you?"

Seokjin blushes. He knows that age doesn't matter but sometimes, he'd wish he were younger than Prince Taehyung. Not three years older. Prince Taehyung must feel strange taking care of someone older than him that is not his parents.

Seokjin brushes the thought off as Prince Taehyung start showing him his breakfast, telling him to take lots of rest, to not overwork himself, take his medicine, and get a lot of sleep.

After Seokjin finishes his breakfast, Prince Taehyung bids him goodbye and takes his leave.


"Your Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness!"

Seokjin groans as he hears Hyeon's loud whispering. He sits up, his eyes still closed. "What is it, Hyeon?" he grumbles. If his parents were here right now, he'd get scolded.

"Something's going on at the Main Palace!" Hyeon says loudly, causing Seokjin to wince a little. Seokjin opens his eyes, seeing that no sunlight has been shed yet. 'How early is it?'

Seokjin yawns, holding a hand in front of his mouth. Hyeon is nice company but sometimes she's too outgoing for Seokjin. "Hyeon," Seokjin intercepts. "Is it even morning yet?"

Hyeon nods, "I was passed out just like you since the sun's not even out yet but then I heard a lot of footsteps. Seemingly, Her Majesty since her palace isn't far from yours. When I looked outside, I saw that the other palaces had their lanterns lit."

Seokjin gets up, going over to his window. He opens it, looking across at the Palace of Calycanthus. The lanterns are lit. As if reading his mind, Hyeon says, "I saw His Royal Highness head for the Main Palace as well."

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