Chapter Four

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Seokjin doesn't answer, too occupied with taking in this new side of Jungkook. A side where his piercing eyes soften, jaw not clenched, the ghost of a smile over his lips. He looks warm and comforting.

Seokjin steps back from the prince, his hand still holding his forehead. He looks everywhere but at Jungkook. "I-It should be fine." He scolds himself for stuttering. Clearing his throat, he raises his head. "Thank you for escorting me here. I can go the rest of the way myself," Seokjin tells Jungkook.

He doesn't wait for Jungkook's response, turning on his heels and walking towards the Palace of Rumex. He drops the hand that's covering his forehead, not having to hide it anymore.

'What was I thinking back there?' Seokjin thinks. Why was he so immersed in Jungkook then? Seokjin shakes his head. He was just befuddled with the prince's actions and reactions. That's it. Nothing more.

He arrives at his palace doors where Hyeon is waiting for him. Seokjin's confused when she doesn't exclaim at the sight of his forehead right away. As she escorts Seokjin to his bedchamber, she doesn't say a single thing about Seokjin's forehead.

Confused, Seokjin asks, "Hyeon, is my forehead red?"

Hyeon's face twists in confusion, "Red?" She examines Seokjin's forehead. "I don't see any red nor pink, Your Royal Highness. Is something wrong?"

Seokjin could feel his face turning pink now. Jungkook lied to him?! Seokjin feels embarrassment run over him. And to think he believed Jungkook. Jungkook's most likely laughing right now at Seokjin's gullibility.


Seokjin nods and smiles as Prince Taehyung go on to tell him the name of the song that's currently playing and the story behind it. He laughs as Prince Taehyung's storytelling comes to a funny part.

The evening has been full of fun and laughter. Yet, Seokjin couldn't focus on just Prince Taehyung like he usually does. Seokjin looks over his shoulder, doing his best to not look like he was doing so.

The event that was being held tonight was to welcome an allied King who had come to visit. It isn't as important as some celebrations so Seokjin was surprised when Jungkook had decided to show up.

Seokjin still feels shame from believing Jungkook so easily at their last encounter. "Prince Seokjin, shall we go meet the King of the East?" Prince Taehyung asks. Seokjin agrees, bringing his thoughts back to Prince Taehyung. Together, they go greet the King.

Seokjin felt himself suppressing a yawn and plasters a smile on his face as he listens to the King of the East and Prince Taehyung's conversation. The moon has already made its appearance, and Seokjin was starting to feel tired.

The King laughs a loud and bellowing laugh, making Seokjin flinch a little. "What a great idea you have, Prince Taehyung," the King says through his laughter. "Have you told your father of this idea?"

Prince Taehyung smiles, "Father wouldn't approve of such foolish idea."

"Well, surely Prince Seokjin doesn't think it's foolish," the King says, inviting Seokjin into the conversation.

"Of course not," Seokjin says right away. He turns to Prince Taehyung. "All of his Royal Highness' thoughts and ideas are interesting and although he doesn't flaunt it, he is one of the most intelligent people I know." All of what he said was true and from the bottom of his heart. Although he's staring at Prince Taehyung he can't read his face.

The King laughs again, "Not only do you have a handsome husband but one who supports you dearly."

Seokjin blushes at his statement. Prince Taehyung smiles a small and for show smile. Catching this, Seokjin stops blushing.

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