Chapter Twelve

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Everyone is wearing white and mourning the passing of Lady Yeona. Seokjin places white chrysanthemums on top of the casket. White roses and white lilies also accompany the top of the casket.

Prince Taehyung who came up to the casket with Seokjin leads him away as other people pay their respect.

The air has turned colder, signaling the end of autumn. Seokjin's cheeks are frozen and he's shivering for they have been outside since dawn for the funeral. "We can head back inside if you like," Prince Taehyung tells him, nose red from the cold.

"You can go. I want to be here longer," Seokjin says, watching the line of people going to the casket. Prince Taehyung stays with him but they don't exchange words. Seokjin's heart feels heavy, knowing the fact that he will no longer be visiting Lady Yeona at the Palace of Chrysanthemum.

As morning is concluding, fire is taken to the casket. People start to leave as the funeral has come to an end. Prince Taehyung leaves but Seokjin stays sitting in his seat, watching as the smoke rises into the air.

He wonders if Lady Yeona is still with them or if she has already moved on and is now watching them from above. Seokjin's eyes fall on the lone person still by Lady Yeona's side. Tears come to his eyes. He can't imagine how Jungkook is feeling.

Jungkook stands close to the casket, looking straight ahead despite the flames and smoke. Seokjin has not spoken a word with Jungkook yet.

"Your Royal Highness," Hyeon whispers. Seokjin glances away from Jungkook. "His Royal Highness is having breakfast. He requests you eat with him if you haven't eaten yet."

"Tell him I already ate," Seokjin commands.

"But you have not, my prince." Hyeon bows her head. "Though her Majesty has left us, I'm sure she is still watching over us and would not approve of you skipping your meals." Seokjin sighs. Last night he skipped dinner, not having an appetite.

Hyeon ushers him away. Seokjin turns his head, sparing one last look at Jungkook who is now completely alone.


"These past couple of days must've been very hard for you," Prince Taehyung says as he walks Seokjin back to the Palace of Rumex. "I heard you and Her Majesty were close."

Though not having the heart to do it, Seokjin offers a small smile at Prince Taehyung. "I'm fine." His thoughts stray to Jungkook. 'Is he fine?' Seokjin wonders, the smile leaving his face.

Seokjin should talk to him. Check up on him to see how he's doing. He hopes someone has already spoken to Jungkook just to let him know he's not alone.

"If you aren't occupied, I would like to visit you later this afternoon at your palace," Prince Taehyung tells him.

"I apologize," Seokjin stops walking. "I'm busy today. Perhaps another time will do." The words taste odd to his tongue for he has never declined Prince Taehyung before. Prince Taehyung tilts his head at Seokjin, probably taken back by Seokjin's words.

"I see. Another time it will have to be then," Prince Taehyung says, smiling. Seokjin looks down at the ground where no plant is alive. He flinches when Prince Taehyung's fingertips touch his cheek.

Seokjin stares wide-eyed at the crown prince who looks equally shocked as Seokjin. Prince Taehyung has touched Seokjin before and all of which brought warmth to Seokjin.

Prince Taehyung tries again to caress Seokjin's cheek but Seokjin takes a step back. He's not sure why he did that but immediately he feels awkward after doing it. Prince Taehyung drops his hand, looking away from Seokjin. "You're not unwell, are you?"

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