Chapter Seventeen

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Seokjin gnaws at his left inner cheek as he waits for Jungkook. It's been four days since Jungkook saw Prince Taehyung kiss him. Jungkook ran away and Seokjin can't blame him for that. He blames himself for letting Prince Taehyung kiss him and for letting Jungkook watch.

He should've pushed Prince Taehyung. Should've been up and gone. But he didn't because he doesn't want to find out what Prince Taehyung will think or do if he does. Still, that's no excuse.

Seokjin leaves his thoughts be as the door opens and Jungkook's face appears. Without another thought, he steps into the room and throws his arms around Jungkook. "I miss you so much, Jungkook," Seokjin breathes in the familiar scent of Jungkook.

Jungkook embraces him. "I miss you too, Seokjin." Seokjin leans into his warmth, never wanting to let go. However, he does as Jungkook lets him go, closing the doors.

As Jungkook leads him into the room, Seokjin realizes that this is Jungkook's bedroom. He sits down on Jungkook's bed as Jungkook tends to the fireplace. The blanket underneath his fingers is soft and fluffy. Along with the black color, it resembles the coat of a black panther.

The fire is high and crackling with heat yet Jungkook is still at its side, leaving Seokjin alone. "Jungkook," Seokjin blinks, and Jungkook's face from when the crown prince kissed him appears. "About what you saw the other day..." Seokjin could feel the guilt sitting on his shoulders. "I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't know he would do that. I wished it never happened."

He hates that he can't see Jungkook's face. The guilt chews intensely at him as he struggles for a better explanation. "My lips are only for you to claim," Seokjin whispers.

Jungkook turns around slowly and he doesn't say anything as Seokjin stares impatiently for a response. Finally, Jungkook sinks on the bed next to him. Crookedly, Jungkook smiles at him. "I wasn't expecting you to say such."

Seokjin puts his hand on top of Jungkook's. "I say such for I mean such." He feels a sense of familiarity as Jungkook's eyes finally turn to him. "I'm sorry." He wills himself to not look away despite the shame. His eyes water, "I broke your heart."

Jungkook looks down and when he looks back up, his eyes are shiny. This makes Seokjin feel worse, knowing that he hurt Jungkook. He parts his lips only for a shaky breath to escape. Jungkook caresses his cheek, wiping at his spilling tears. His own tears are spilling. "You didn't break my heart."

Seokjin wants to ask then, why is he crying if it weren't the pain Seokjin had caused him but he doesn't get to as Jungkook leans forward to claim his lips. Seokjin kisses him back without even having to think of it for it became second nature. When they break for air, Seokjin kisses Jungkook's tears.

Jungkook tilts his head as he leans in for another kiss. Without either of them noticing, their hands had already found their way to each other. Behind Seokjin's closed eyelids, all of the moments he shared with Jungkook play like a montage. So fun, heart-warming, and romantic like a love story.

Seokjin opens his eyes as their kiss ends. He's looking at Jungkook who is the sole captivator of his heart. "I love you, Jungkook." Jungkook's eyes widen slightly. "All of me loves you and all of you, I love."

Jungkook's eyes are shiny again but he blinks and they go away. "I love you too, Seokjin." He gazes into Seokjin's eyes. "All of you, I love and all of me loves you." A soft smile adorns Seokjin's face. However, big on the inside.

Seokjin leans forward and their mouths open under each other. One of Jungkook's hands goes to hold the back of his head as he lowers him onto the bed. Seokjin's arms wrap around Jungkook's neck, pulling him down even more. Enjoying their kiss more than he does honey.

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