Chapter Fourteen

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Seokjin steals a glance at Jungkook who's busy watching the King. It's been a week, going on two since Seokjin last spoke with him. He first told himself it's ridiculous thinking that Jungkook is avoiding him. However, he doesn't find it so ridiculous anymore. Jungkook is definitely avoiding him.

Seokjin looks away. 'Did I do something wrong? Say something offensive,' he wonders. He's sure he didn't.

"Prince Seokjin," Prince Taehyung calls. Seokjin's pulled out of his thoughts.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," he smiles as he turns towards the crown prince.

"Would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow night with the ambassador?" asks Prince Taehyung.

Seokjin has his head full and having dinner with an ambassador from overseas is not going to help. "I-"

"Would love to," Hyeon finishes for him.

Seokjin whips his head to Hyeon, narrowing his eyes at her. She tilts her head, not understanding Seokjin's reaction. "Is something the matter?" Prince Taehyung looks between the two.

"No," Seokjin turns back to him. "I'm just not sure if I'll be very helpful accompanying you," he makes a lame excuse.

Prince Taehyung chuckles lowly. "Helpful? It's dinner. You don't need to do anything that requires much work." He picks up Seokjin's hand. "Just be there," he says with a soft smile.

Seokjin feigns a smile, agreeing to go. Prince Taehyung drops his hand, attention returning to the King's speech.

Seokjin's eyes return to Jungkook who's staring at him and Prince Taehyung. His expression is stoic like how it's been since today. Yet, his eyes reflect another emotion.

Seokjin wants to say something but with the distance between them, can he say something? Jungkook goes back to paying attention to the King's speech, leaving a speechless Seokjin.


Seokjin bows one last time to Prince Taehyung and the ambassador before stepping out of the Main Palace. He covers his mouth as he yawns, walking back to the Palace of Rumex.

Originally, he did not want to attend dinner with Prince Taehyung and the ambassador. It was nice though. The ambassador came from a faraway land so it was interesting to learn about their customs and traditions. It also made Seokjin stopped thinking about a certain someone.

Seokjin's steps come to a halt as a door opens and stepping out is Jungkook. He closes the door after him then looks up, meeting Seokjin. No one else is around. Just them two.

Though, avoiding Seokjin these past weeks, Seokjin's relieved to see that Jungkook seems well. He doesn't have any dark circles and seems to be physically fine.

Seokjin parts his lips to speak but before any words leave his mouth, Jungkook walks past him. Seokjin squeezes his eyes shut as a cold breeze passes him. The snow that has been peacefully falling flies into Seokjin's face, leaving him cold. Jungkook's footsteps echo down the hall.

Seokjin turns around just as Jungkook rounds the corner, vanishing into the cold air.


Seokjin breathes into the air, white vapor floating into the sky. He shivers, pulling his coat closer if possible. He's been looking for Jungkook for well over an hour now but has had no luck in finding him.

Seokjin kicks at the snow, feeling frustrated. "Gather round, ladies, and gentlemen for we to tell a tale of two forbidden lovers," he hears a woman announces.

Cold and needing warmth, Seokjin follows her voice. He enters a restaurant that is set up to be a mini theater for the play. People seat themselves while chattering excitedly. Seokjin scans the place for an empty seat.

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