Chapter Twenty-Two

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Seokjin's been sitting in the same spot since he woke up. He can't bring himself to move, feeling no life in him. He's used up all of his tears so none falls as he comprehends again the fact that he was used.

A strangled breath leaves his mouth.

'I must've been so easy for him. Falling for him just as he planned. I must've reeked of desperation.' Seokjin brings his knees up, burying his face in them. 'Everything between us,' he squeezes his eyes shut. 'was just a ploy for him.' His shoulders start to shake.

The sun passes and Seokjin is still in the same position. However, now staring blankly at the ground. He can't believe that he's in the same situation as he was a year ago when his heart was broken but by Prince Taehyung.

He's gone through this process before so he should be fine, right?

Wrong. This time, it hurts more.

Seokjin scolds himself. He should've never gone out to the marketplace that night with him. Stepping out of the Imperial Palace that night was stepping into their relationship. A relationship that was wrong and with no future. A relationship built with lies.

Seokjin shakes his head knowing that the last statement wasn't true. He wasn't lying. He gave everything to him. Though hesitant and afraid at first, Seokjin ended up pouring his all for him. Now, he was an empty vessel with no one by his side. No one wants him.

Seokjin wipes under his eyes, feeling a sting for he's been repeating the action so much.

'He doesn't love you, Seokjin. He never did,' Seokjin's thoughts tell him. Painfully, Seokjin recalls his boyish grin, his playfulness, his embrace, and his eyes as he stared lovingly into Seokjin's.

'It wasn't love,' Seokjin's thoughts continue. 'It was just pretend.'


"I haven't seen you in forever. I thought something happened to you," Prince Taehyung jokes with a soft smile.

"I apologize," Seokjin lowers his head a bit. A throbbing pain suddenly screams at him and he grimaces, forcing his head back up. "I haven't been getting any sleep."

Prince Taehyung frowns. "Has the physician payed you a visit?"

Seokjin shakes his head. "It's only a minor problem. It'll go away soon." He wishes.

Prince Taehyung extends his arm over the table. Placing his hand on top of Seokjin's. Immediately, his brows shoot up. "You're burning up!" Seokjin shrinks away from him, feeling his migraine intensify.

He yanks his hand out from under Prince Taehyung's. "It's...nothing. Don't worry about it, Your Royal Highness."

"Don't worry?" Prince Taehyung repeats as Seokjin stands up. "You're unwell."

"I apologize..." Seokjin just wanted to sleep. He didn't want to think of him anymore. "You should leave in case it's contagious." With that, he starts to leave but his legs give out and he catches himself, holding the table.

"Seokjin!" Prince Taehyung comes to his side and Seokjin tries to wave him off but he wraps an arm around his waist to support him. Seokjin tries to dodge him but is unsuccessful as Prince Taehyung presses a hand to his forehead. "Call for the physician," he orders a servant who nods and scurries away.

Seokjin's eyes widen as Prince Taehyung hooks an arm under his legs and supports his back with his other, carrying him. "I don't care about catching your illness," he offers a small smile at Seokjin. "I just care about catching you."


"You don't have to stay," Seokjin adverts his eyes as Prince Taehyung drops a towel in a bowl of water. "The physician said I'll be fine."

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