Chapter Six

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"Would you like to bring the book with you, Your Royal Highness?" Hyeon asks.

Seokjin closes the book, handing it to the servant. "Yes, please. Would you please pack it?" Today was the day of the hunting trip. Seokjin finds himself, for the most part, giddy for the trip. He's looking forward to riding on Caramel and breathing in the fresh outdoor air. Not to mention, Prince Taehyung.

Even though at first, Seokjin was a bit disappointed knowing that others would join them, surely, it wouldn't be such a big deal. Everyone knows that he and Prince Taehyung are wedded. They'll understand if the couple spends time alone.

Seokjin tightens the cloth around his forehead, keeping any stray hair away. He loops the bow behind his back, along with the arrows. Seokjin, despite not practicing often, is a master at archery. He knows sword fighting as well.

Since arriving at the Northern Kingdom, has not done any though. You could say, he felt a bit shy to try these things. The Northerners valued these skills highly, each individual whose able is greatly skilled at these sports.

Seokjin makes his way to where the hunting party is to meet. On the way there, he runs into Prince Taehyung. Seokjin bows his head, "Good morning, Your Royal Highness."

"As to you, Prince Seokjin," Prince Taehyung greets back. Together, the couple makes their way to the meeting spot. All the while, making conversation about the weather and the economy.

"We've just sent Lord Lim to make acquaintance with the Gorchik Kingdom," Prince Taehyung updates him. They arrive at where the horses and others are waiting. "If all goes well, we'll then be acquainted with the kingdom known for the best silks in the world."

"That's pleasant news..." Seokjin notices a familiar horse away. The horse that is darker than the night. He pushes the thought away. There are many horses in this kingdom. Surely, it can't be who he thinks it is.

"Good morning, Prince Taehyung and Prince Seokjin," the King greets them.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," the couple greets back.

"Glad to have you join us, Prince Seokjin. If you find it tiring on your horse anytime, feel free to rest in the carriage," the King tells him.

"Thank you for the offer, Your Majesty," Seokjin smiles politely. He plans to just ride on Caramel though. Knowing that Prince Taehyung will be riding his horse, he wants to be by his side.

Prince Taehyung gets on his white horse who is next to Caramel. Seokjin gets on his horse, happy that the servants even put their horses next to each other. As they do one more check on their inventory, Seokjin keeps his eyes on the ownerless black horse that closely resembles Jungkook's Noir.

One of the court officials, Lord Lee gets on the horse, proving Seokjin wrong. With all the horses now having a rider and the bags loaded, the gates to the outside open. Prince Taehyung rides his horse close to the carriage, Seokjin following suit.

"Where shall we head, Your Majesty?" Prince Taehyung queries, looking into the window of the carriage. Before the King could answer, the people in front of them stop their horses bringing them to a stop as well.

Seokjin tries to see what caused them to stop but to no avail as there are many other Lords and men with them. However, he can see the horses make way as someone weaves through.

As if expecting this, the King opens the carriage door as the man bows down on one knee in front of him. Seokjin can't see his face as he has his back turned to him and Prince Taehyung. "The north is bringing in gray clouds, Your Majesty. It'll rain tonight even if we run south."

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