Chapter Three

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Seokjin closes the book. He finished it. Faster than he intended to. He peers up from the book, looking at the sun. It's still so early. He doesn't want to go back so soon. He fiddles with the book's edge.

Then what should he do? His eyes lazily scan the empty field before landing on a particular person. Prince Jungkook. Seokjin continues staring as the prince is immersed in his training. Today he's practicing sword fight.

Seokjin doesn't understand why the young prince chooses to train out here when there's a training area back at the palace.

Unexpectedly, the young prince looks Seokjin's way. Seokjin's eyes fly back down to his book, opening it to a random page. He could feel the prince's eyes on him which isn't for long as he goes back to swinging his sword.

Seokjin only realized now that he and Prince Jungkook has not exchanged a word. Not even the day Prince Jungkook found Seokjin bawling underneath this tree. Seokjin was so worried he'd tell someone but it doesn't seem like he did.

Prince Jungkook just stayed quiet and returned to his training. Seokjin returned to the palace first. The next day he was ready for Prince Taehyung to burst through his door, demanding why he was crying out in the wilderness. He didn't. Seokjin felt relief but also sadness.

For a week now, he found himself coming out to this field. He would bring a book to accompany him. He wasn't the only one coming out to this spot. Every time he came, Prince Jungkook would too. Sometimes he's already there when Seokjin arrives. Sometimes he'd come after Seokjin.

Yet, they don't exchange a single word. They do their own thing and mind their own business. Seokjin's grateful for that. Being in the palace is so...stifling.

Prince Taehyung has not been paying him as many visits as before. Seokjin hates the reason he believes that is. What is he doing? Allowing himself to pout like this. He should be fine with this. He should be fine with Prince Taehyung having a royal consort.

Seokjin sighs as he stands up. He should get going back now.


"You look as handsome as ever, Your Royal Highness," Hyeon tells Seokjin as he takes a look at his reflection. Seokjin stares at the grim face in the mirror. His hair is styled, a couple of hairpins, a necklace occupies his neck, rich silk covers his skin. But what does it matter, Prince Taehyung won't care.

Hyeon notices his expression, "Or would you rather wear the new purple clothes the seamstress just made. The designs are so intricate. It would sure-"

"No!" Hyeon startles as Seokjin raises his voice. Purple. Prince Taehyung's favorite color. The purple hanbok that the Royal Consort wore. Seokjin fakes a smile at her, "I like what I'm wearing now. Let's go."

Seokjin doesn't wait for Hyeon as he heads for the Main Palace. The quicker he can get this over with, the better. Shortly after, Seokjin arrives at the Main Palace which is bustling with people.

Don't bother to ask Seokjin what is the cause of this celebration because, to be honest, he has no clue. Running away from the palace walls whenever he could and keeping to himself, he doesn't know what's going on around him anymore.

He wants to go sit at his own table without the Queen and the gossiping nobles but he knows he can't do that. So he puts a polite smile on his face and goes over to the Queen, taking a bow before seating at her table. Fortunately, the nobles aren't all over him like last time. Instead, gossiping about some Royal Lady.

Seokjin doesn't jump into the gossip, opting to just watch the musicians in the front. Seokjin wonders if Prince Taehyung's going to show. If he does, how will Seokjin face him? He feels like one look at him, and he'll be brought back to the heartbreak he felt.

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