Chapter Five

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Seokjin places a hand over his mouth, yawning. His feet are sore and heavy as if rocks are tied to them. Up ahead is Jungkook's whose steps are sturdy and fast. "How are you not exhausted?" Seokjin thinks as he tries to catch up to Jungkook.

"I do this often so I'm used to it," Jungkook says. Seokjin's face heats up as he realizes he said that out loud. Seokjin squeezes his eyes shut, scolding himself in his head. "If you want, we can take a break."

"I'm fine," Seokjin says, wincing as he takes another step. He hopes he doesn't start developing a limp. He looks back up, almost bumping into Jungkook. Since when did he catch up?

Jungkook continues walking with Seokjin following slowly behind. Somehow, now Seokjin was able to keep up with him. Maybe Seokjin was just imaging the pain in his feet earlier.

Seokjin momentarily stops walking, still feeling the soreness of his feet. Then, he looks back at Jungkook. His steps had slow even more. Seokjin takes in a deep breath before he starts walking again.

Despite Jungkook's steps that are slower than a snail, Seokjin still can't catch up. He's too prideful to ask Jungkook to wait for him so he keeps his mouth shut and walks on, feeling pain every step.

'I'm not that inactive. It's just walking. Why am I making such a big deal of it?' Seokjin scolds himself. Seokjin looks straight ahead at Jungkook. Shockingly, the gap between them is smaller. No way could it be that Seokjin caught up with him.

Seokjin's eyes drift down to Jungkook's feet which are not even taking small steps anymore. They're just shuffling now.

Heat rushes to Seokjin's face as he realizes what Jungkook is doing. He's slowing down to not leave Seokjin behind.

Flabbergasted, and not seeing clearly due to the dark, Seokjin trips over something. He stumbles and hits Jungkook's back. Jungkook stops walking and turns around, meeting Seokjin who has his head lowered, embarrassed. Seokjin's ready for any snarky comment Jungkook has to throw at him.

What he isn't ready for is Jungkook to lower himself to an almost squat. "Get on my back," he orders, staring straight ahead.

Seokjin feels even more shameful. Someone who is five years his junior is offering to carry him! Seokjin huffs. "I said I'm fine," he says meekly, the opposite of what he was going for.

He stumbles past Jungkook. "H-hey, Jin," Jungkook calls after him. Seokjin ignores him, trying his very best not to limp. Jungkook catches up to him in no time. Seokjin can sense Jungkook looking at him but he continues walking. Well, trying to.

Then, Jungkook's hand wraps around his arm, stopping him from moving forward. Seokjin turns to him, keeping his face neutral. "What?" He asks, ignoring Jungkook's hand on his arm.

"You don't have to pretend around me," Jungkook says, not meeting Seokjin's eyes.

Seokjin's face softens. He turns back, looking forward. "It's getting late, we should get going." He starts limping forward and Jungkook follows beside him, defeated.

Seokjin sighs internally. Very slowly, Seokjin allows himself to hold onto Jungkook's arm for support. Jungkook stiffens for a second, taken aback by Seokjin's action. However, he isn't frozen long before he starts walking again. This time, closer to Seokjin.


Seokjin raises his arms, as the seamstress takes a look at the sleeves. Outside, he has a look of calmness and collectedness. Yet, inside, he's vacillating between the two options he has posed for himself.

Option one, stay in the Palace of Rumex and read, play his gayageum, learn new dishes, or sew. He hasn't sewed for a while. How can he lack off so much? If he wants to get better, he needs to practice it more.

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