Chapter Eighteen

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"If it weren't for you two, our mother's jewelry would've been long gone," Jiyoung says as she, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jimin walk back. "We don't have much but perhaps you two may like something at our shop. So, feel free to pick one item," she smiles brightly at them as they arrive at the shop.

"Thank you but no thanks," Jungkook declines politely. "You don't have to give us anything in return." He doesn't want them to think there is a price to be paid for helping them.

"Yeah, we don't need anything," Hoseok also declines, smiling warmly at them.

Jiyoung frowns, "It would be wrong of us not to give a token of thanks to you two. Please, come in." Jungkook and Hoseok share a glance, wondering if they should go or not. "Come on," Jiyoung urges, turning back to them with a friendly smile. They give in, following Jiyoung. Jimin walks behind them, having not said a single word after accusing Jungkook of being a thief.

The shop is filled with all types of clothes and many finished pieces of clothing, set on display. "Is it just you two here?" Hoseok asks as Jungkook examines the shop.

"Yes," Jiyoung answers. "This is a family business which has been going on for..." she counts on her fingers. "Six years!"

"Impressive," Jungkook comments, and Jiyoung continues talking. As she converses with Hoseok, Jungkook finds a woman's outfit on display. He touches the intricate designs on the shirt, amazed by it.

"Do you like it?" Jiyoung skips over to him.

Jungkook's hand falls to the fabric of the skirt which is light and pretty in color. "I do. Did you make it?" he turns to Jiyoung.

Jiyoung smiles a pleased smile but shakes her head. "If only I was that talented. Jimin made it."

Jungkook looks around but the lad is nowhere to be seen. Though, not planning to take anything at first, "If I may, may I please take this then?"

"Of course," Jiyoung nods enthusiastically and works to get the outfit folded nicely for him. She hands it to him in a bag. He reaches for the money he brought, handing it to Jiyoung. She declines at first, explaining how it's a gift since Jungkook helped them but he doesn't retract the money until she accepts it.

As Jungkook waits for Hoseok to pick something out, he ventures back out to the front. Arriving at the entrance, he notices that it has gotten a lot later.

Jungkook sits down on the steps, starting to feel the ache of his injuries. How should he explain them to his mother? He could just avoid her until they heal. He clicks his tongue, not feeling right about doing that. He's already avoiding all his royal duties. He can't start to avoid his mother too. She'll worry a lot if he does.

His solitude is disturbed when Jimin sits down beside him with something in his hands. "Sorry," he starts, glancing at Jungkook's injuries. "I should've not assumed and accused you so fast," his head lowers.

Jungkook raises a brow, surprised at the change of attitude. "As I said, it's fine. I forgive you. You only did it out of good intentions," Jungkook tells him.

Jimin peers up at him, "You're really not angry at me?" Jungkook shakes his head. He's met a lot of people and been in worse situations. Though only meeting Jimin today, he doesn't seem like a bad person. Jimin tilts his head, "You're not holding a grudge against me?"

"No," Jungkook simply answers but Jimin still looks skeptical. "At the moment, your beating did hurt and I was confused but I wasn't mad at you. Nor am I mad at you now." This is the first time, he's able to take in Jimin's facial features. He's quite good-looking. His monolid eyes fit well with his sharp features.

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