Chapter Nineteen

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After dropping Jimin home, Jungkook reluctantly made his way back to the palace. He's with a smile as he strolls down the empty halls. He subconsciously bites his lip as he thinks of their shared kiss.

He pushes the door to his bedchamber open but instead of meeting darkness, he meets light. Jungkook squints, not used to the light. "Mother?" he manages to make out. Her lips are pressed tightly together and her brows drawn.

She stands up, "Where have you been?"

"Out, in the marketplace," Jungkook replies casually. His mother knows he leaves the palace every chance he gets.

"Why haven't you been attending your studies?" she asks, walking over to him.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Why does it matter, Mother?" He's not sure why his mother is suddenly so uptight with him. He's always been this way. "It's not like I make a difference if I go." The happy emotion he once felt, has now dispersed into the air. Poisoned by the palace walls. "It's not like the King is suddenly going to care."

"Jungkook," his mother whispers, hurt in her eyes.

Immediately, regret sinks into Jungkook. "I apologize, Mother," his head hangs. He breathes in then out. "Did you need something?" Jungkook asks, softly. He wonders why his mother stayed this late to meet him. It wouldn't be to come over and scold him.

She walks over to him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "His Majesty wishes to speak to you."

"You could've just told me tomorrow morning. You didn't need to wait here for me," Jungkook tells her.

She looks solemn, "He wishes to see you tonight."


"Look who finally returned home."

Jungkook bows deeply, head touching the floor. "My apologies, Your Majesty." He lifts his head back up to meet the King who's only in his nightclothes, eyes still sleepy.

"I gave you permission to visit the outside, not to live outside and avoid your duties," the King scolds. "Now, what were you doing anyway? Are you always out till midnight?"

"I was with a friend, Your Majesty," Jungkook responds. "And no, I am not always out past midnight."

The King leans back in his throne, rubbing his eyes. "Tomorrow, I forbid you to leave the Imperial Palace." At this, Jungkook's eyes widen. "You are to visit Princess Sohee and spend the whole day with-"

"I decline, Your Majesty," Jungkook knows exactly what it is he's trying to do. "I do not wish to marry Princess Sohee."

"You do not interrupt me!" the King bellows. Signs of sleepiness are no longer present. The Queen who is sitting to his right smirks while his mother frets, parting her lips to speak for Jungkook but doesn't get to do so as the King holds out a hand to silence her.

"I have let you do whatever you pleased. Allowing you to frolic around like some peasant and play in their dirt pens." Jungkook narrows his eyes at his degradation of the people. "Do not glare at me," he orders sharply.

Jungkook knows better not to talk back. He can see his mother's pleading eyes but he does it anyway. "I have every right to. What kind of king looks down on his people? The people that are poor and working just so he can have power and wealth. Just so he can sit on a slab of stone you call the throne."

"You!" the King stands up.

"Father," Taehyung, who'd been watching, stops him from proceeding towards Jungkook. "Jungkook's just a child. He's just going through a phase right now."

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