Chapter Eight

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Seokjin watches the dancing crowd around the bonfire. They dance to the drums and flute that a group of villagers is playing. Smiles on their faces and laughter to accompany each other.

His eyes follow Eun, whose hard eyes are no more. She's smiling brightly at Jungkook who is dancing with her. The couple has been together since Seokjin had refused to ball toss with Jungkook.

Eun catches Seokjin staring and waves, urging him to come to join them. Jungkook follows her gaze, watching Seokjin as well. Seokjin shakes his head, gesturing to his bowl of untouched noodles. She frowns but nods, going back to dancing.

Seokjin tries to eat the noodles but his attention keeps straying to the group of dancers. The music ends and Seokjin still has not finished his bowl of noodles.

"Friends and family, come gather around the bonfire," Chief Lai beckons them.

The villagers all make their way to the bonfire like the chief tells them. Seokjin included. He notices Jungkook and Eun who are sitting together. He's about to head to the empty seat next to Mun, however, Eun notices him and points to the spot next to Jungkook.

Seokjin offers a weak smile and sits down next to Jungkook, scooting to the edge of the log, leaving an awkward space between them.

Like Seokjin was told this morning, one of the villagers starts to tell a folktale.


"Long, long ago before there was the sun and the moon, there lived a prince. He was the most handsome man anyone has ever seen. People came far and wide just to see him. He was so ethereal that even the gods were envious of him.

Many kings, queens, princes, and princesses, came to ask for the prince's marriage but he denied them all. For the reason that when he was a child, was cursed by a witch that whoever he falls in love with will die a slow and painful death.

One day, the prince spoke to the dove outside his window, "Oh, beautiful dove, advise me in what to do. No matter how much I deny love, the more admirers I get."

The dove spoke back, "My, with how stunning you are, living in this ginormous kingdom, new people will fall in love with you every day. It'll be a never-ending loop, Your Royal Highness."

The prince nods. However, now not knowing what to do. "What shall I do then, Dove?" he asks the white dove desperately. "I need not keep this cycle going for fear that I may fall in love with one of my courtiers."

"Come live with me in the forest, Your Royal Highness. There will not be any humans there. You'll be safe from the curse," the dove suggests.

The prince agrees and that night, while the people slept, ran to the forest with the help of the dove. Just as the dove promised, there were no humans. Only animals.

A year passed and the prince became very lonely despite the friendly woodland creatures. He yearned for a human friend.

One day while the prince was picking berries, he comes upon a person. He was injured and not awake. The prince, with the help of his animal friends, takes the man to the prince's little hut.

The man did not wake. Yet, the prince continued to take care and treat him. Even though this man was asleep, the prince couldn't stop admiring his handsome features.

On the third day, the man wakes up. He falls in love with the prince, at first sight, thanking him for saving his life. Now, in love with the prince, the man doesn't leave despite being healed.

He continues to stay with the prince who teaches him how to live in the forest. The prince doesn't notice it as his heart starts to open up.

On a day that the prince and man are making lunch, knights from the kingdom come, demanding that the prince returns home. The prince refuses, wanting to stay with his animal friends and the man that he loves.

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