Chapter Seven

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Jungkook's footsteps stop, causing Seokjin to stop as well. He looks behind him to see Jungkook looking up. Seokjin who was taking the lead comes to Jungkook's side. "Does your injury hurt?" Seokjin gets ready to reach for the grounded herbs he brought with him after they left the cave.

"No, it doesn't," Jungkook continues to look around them but up at the sky.

Seokjin looks up as well but sees nothing other than the usual trees and sky. "Come on, let's hurry. It looks like it might start raining again," he turns around. Jungkook follows him. What a hunting trip. He and Jungkook are lost. It just keeps on raining.

As they walk, Jungkook starts to speak, "With all due respect, Jin but I don't think your plan is working."

Seokjin continues walking, all though he's starting to think the same. He plans to just keep walking in one direction with the idea that they'll hit civilization at one point. "What do you suggest?" Seokjin asks.

"Let me climb a tree," Jungkook begins. "I'll go to the top and try to spot a clearing."

Seokjin stops walking, facing Jungkook. "You did that earlier this morning and saw nothing but trees stretched out for miles," Seokjin reminds him. "Also, you're still not in the best condition. I don't want you falling."

"I won't fall. Don't you think it's better if we at least give it a try?" Jungkook asks him.

Seokjin looks up at one of the trees then back at Jungkook who has a look of anticipation. "Let's give it a try," Seokjin agrees, bringing a smile to Jungkook's face. "But you stay down here. I'll climb the tree." Jungkook's eyes widen.

Seokjin takes off the bow and arrows on his back. "No," Jungkook takes the bow and arrows out of Seokjin's hands, putting them back on him. "I'll climb. I suggested the idea so I'll do it," Jungkook starts to take off his bow.

Seokjin stops Jungkook from doing so, "Don't. You're injured. Thus, I'll be the one to climb." To make a point, he proceeds to a tree. Yet, Jungkook grabs him by the wrist, pulling him back. Seokjin furrows his brows, "Stop being stubborn."

He tries to pull his wrist from Jungkook's hold. "Do you even know how to climb a tree?"

Seokjin stops struggling, "No but you do. Therefore, you can direct me from down here."

Jungkook clicks his tongue, "I don't-"

"May I help you two?"

Seokjin and Jungkook turn towards the voice to see a woman about their age with a basket in her arm, guardedly eyeing the two. Seokjin pulls his wrist away from Jungkook's loosening hold and takes a step away from him, realizing how close they are.

In a kind and polite voice, Seokjin says, "Yes, please. We came to hunt but got lost. Can you please direct us to the closest opening in this forest?"

The woman looks between the two of them warily. "Where did you two come from?"

This time, Jungkook steps in, "We're from the Imperial Palace." Seokjin glances at Jungkook, unsure if he should be telling her this. The woman's eyes widen at this new information. "Servants of the King and His Royal Highness, Prince Taehyung."

At this, the woman's guarded eyes soften, however, still scanning the two cautiously. Seokjin smiles a soft and friendly smile, looking towards Jungkook to do the same which he does.

The woman's suspicion stops. "I can lead you two to my village. From there, it'll be a quicker trip back to the main road."

Seokjin's smile widens, "Thank you, Miss."

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