Chapter Sixteen

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"What made you want to perform with the flower knights?" Seokjin asks, playing with Jungkook's veiny hand.

"I didn't want to and I'm not even a flower knight but General Sohn insisted I do. According to him, I'm young and youthful like them," Jungkook tells him.

Seokjin weaves his hand into Jungkook's, "He's not wrong."

"I suppose it wasn't so bad. Kind of fun and it was nice working with the knights," Jungkook lets his head fall onto Seokjin's shoulder. "And you enjoyed it, didn't you?" he asks teasingly.

"I wasn't expecting it," Seokjin lets his mind wander back to seeing Jungkook on stage. "So it took me by a...pleasant surprise," he admits. Jungkook looked like he was born to perform. He looked like he was enjoying himself, which made Seokjin liked it more.

Jungkook laughs, "I could give you a private performance if you wish."

"N-no need to," Seokjin blubbers, though part of him wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Jungkook's laugh simmers down. "Anyways, General Sohn told me the real reason he wanted me to perform."

"Which is?" Seokjin probes, curious as to why Jungkook seems to be deep in thought.

"He," Jungkook starts, breathing softly. "wants me to familiarize myself with the knights and become a commander."

"That's great, Jungkook," Seokjin beams. He's glad that Jungkook's talent is being recognized.

"You think so?" Jungkook peers up at him, as if doubtful about his response.

"I do," Seokjin's eyes smile. "Not only will you be Prince Jungkook. You'll also be Commander Kim Jungkook."

Jungkook wrinkles his nose at the title. "That doesn't sound right. Also, General Sohn said that if I wanted to, I could just become a general and skip the whole commander thing," Jungkook notes casually.

"Wow," Seokjin gasps. "So it'll be General Kim Jungkook," he says, excitedly.

Jungkook clicks his tongue, "It still sounds weird though."

"Hmm," Seokjin thinks for a moment. "Then how about General Jeon Jungkook," he stares bright-eyed at Jungkook.

Jungkook smiles broadly, "I like that a lot more."

Seokjin pulls away from Jungkook and bows. "Congratulations on your promotion, General Jeon," the name rolls off his tongue nicely and he realizes how much he misses calling Jungkook Jeon.

Jungkook plays along, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness." Then he squints at Seokjin, tilting his head. "You bore an odd resemblance to a lowly commoner I know."

Seokjin represses his smile, "And who may this lowly commoner be?"

"He goes by the name..." Slowly, Jungkook leans forward, fondness painted on his face. "Jin." Then he lunges forward, pushing Seokjin onto his back. Seokjin bubbles into giggles as Jungkook pecks him all over the face.

"Stop it, Jeon," Seokjin says as his giggles die down into a smile. Though they were upstairs, he doesn't want to be too loud.

"No," Jungkook stubbornly objects as he places a quick kiss on Seokjin's lip.

Though enjoying it, Seokjin says, "Get off."

Jungkook pecks Seokjin's lips again. "Why?" He lowers himself, making the distance between them smaller. "I like where I am right now," his voice husky and leaving a foreign feeling in Seokjin's stomach. With that, Jungkook proceeds to close the distance between them.

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