Chapter Thirteen

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"Tae!" Jungkook calls, struggling to keep up. "Wait for me!"

Taehyung turns his head, however, not slowing his pace. "Hurry up, Jungkook! We're almost there!" he tells him eagerly with a wide grin. Jungkook smiles excitedly and runs faster.

"We're here!" Taehyung announces, coming to a halt. He throws his arms up, spinning around. Jungkook reaches him, doe eyes eyeing the place his brother wanted to show him so badly.

It's a lake. There's a big tree on the side, its long leaves dipping into the water. No one else is around. Not even animals. "Woah," Jungkook breathes out, examining the place. Unlike Taehyung, he doesn't get to go out much so this is all new to him.

"I know right!" Taehyung grabs his hand. "Mother won't let me swim in it but I think it'll be fine if we just dip our feet in," he suggests with a grin. He pulls Jungkook towards the lake.

"How did you find this?" Jungkook asks as they reach the lake.

Taehyung kicks his shoes off, "Father brought me here when he took me out." Jungkook looks down, away from Taehyung's happy gaze. The King never takes him anywhere. It makes Jungkook wonder if the people even know about him.

Noticing Jungkook's expression, Taehyung bounces over to him. "I'll ask Father to take you with us next time," he tells the down-hearted Jungkook.

Jungkook frowns, "Father will say I'm too young." Like he always does.

Taehyung shakes his head. "No, he won't. You're already five years old. To me, that's old enough."

Jungkook giggles, "Only to you."

Taehyung laughs, "I'll convince him somehow. I'm already eight so he should listen to me more." He bends down, pulling Jungkook's shoes off. "For now, come play with me!" Jungkook nods, taking off his other shoe.

The two little boys sit by the edge of the lake, feet in the water. Laughter echoes as they play with the water, examining the little underwater creatures they come across. They giggle as they try to push each other into the lake. After what feels like hours, Taehyung is called. "Your Royal Highness! Come eat!"

Taehyung beams, "Food is ready! Come on, Jungkook!" He stands up, helping Jungkook up.

"What do you think is for lunch, Tae?" Jungkook wonders, feeling his stomach grumble.

"Hmm..." Taehyung and Jungkook walk to where the servants are. "I have no clue but I hope it's meat! No vegetables," he says sternly.

Jungkook burst into laughter at his wish, "If only that was possible." They reach the servant, Taehyung's nanny who has taken them out and is their supervisor.

"I made your favorite, Your Royal Highness," she smiles at Taehyung who runs over to the picnic blanket laid out.

"Awesome," he goes right to eating the beef, ignoring the cabbage that is supposed to go with the meat. Jungkook plops down beside Taehyung, picking up his chopsticks. Just as he's about to pick up a piece of beef, the nanny slaps his hand.

"Ow," Jungkook cries, pulling his hand back.

"You can only eat after His Royal Highness is done," the nanny scolds him.

Taehyung stops stuffing his face, "Hey!" The nanny visibly flinches at the crown prince's raised voice. "Jungkook can eat with me now!" he demands, glaring at the nanny.


"No, I want him to eat with me," Taehyung repeats. Though only a child, his orders are still to be followed.

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